The spin buttons that define the address range in the memory window have statically defined lower and upper bounds that are not at all related to the actual valid address range that applies to the application being debugged. As such, it is possible to attempt to access invalid memory locations.
[patch changed from: Memory Window: Spin buttons do not enforce correct address limits; to Memory Window: Spin buttons do not recover from incorrect address limits] The user, using the spin button can set any limit; for an invalid address, things need to not hang (which is apparently the case). For instance, specifying a lower bound of 0 should get "invalid" indications, and not a crash.
Changed the topic (as I planned on doing later today in view of the discussion on the call 2 weeks ago and follow-up today) to reflect the real problem. It essentially has nothing to do with the spin buttons themselves if we allow the user to use any arbitrary address. The real problem is that invalid addresses should be handled gracefully rather than causing a hang.
7-09-07 Zhao Shujing <> * memroy/ When right-click up or down spin button, it would be ignored. When access invalid memory address, the requirement would be ignored. Fixes #4621 #4622 and # 4613 * disassembler/ Ditto