Bug 4269 - TimeLines have artifacts
Summary: TimeLines have artifacts
Alias: None
Product: frysk
Classification: Unclassified
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
: P2 normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Sami Wagiaalla
Depends on:
Blocks: 1632
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Reported: 2007-03-23 15:04 UTC by Sami Wagiaalla
Modified: 2007-04-16 18:36 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Sami Wagiaalla 2007-03-23 15:04:20 UTC
When resizing selected timelines leave artifacts.
Time lines are also sometimes not update immedietly untill user clicks on the
time line.
Comment 1 Sami Wagiaalla 2007-03-26 17:13:07 UTC
2007-03-26  Sami Wagiaalla  <swagiaal@redhat.com>

        * test/TestPrototypeCopying.java: Added test for copying of filter
        boolean value.
        * test/TestObserverSaveLoad.java: Added test for filter boolean value.
        * gladedir/procpop.glade: Added "Observer Discription" feild to Edit
        Observer Dialog.

2007-03-26  Sami Wagiaalla  <swagiaal@redhat.com>

        * eventviewer/TimeLineStartEvent.java: New file.
        * eventviewer/TimeLineEndEvent.java: New file.
        * eventviewer/TimeLine.java: Added button for removing timelines.
        * eventviewer/ProcTimeLine.java (getGuiProc): made it public.
        * eventviewer/ProcBox.java: Added handling for removing dead threads.
Fix for
        bz 4243.
        * eventviewer/EventViewer2.java: Added and expose listiner to handle
        fix for bz# 4269.
        Added handling for removing dead processes. Fix for bz 4243.
        * ObserversDialog.java: Added 'Observer Description' field, and handling.
        * EditObserverDialog.java: Renamed observerDescriptionTextView to 

Comment 2 Sami Wagiaalla 2007-04-16 19:26:51 UTC
pmuldoon reported that this is causing the monitor to thrash and eventually crash.
Comment 3 Sami Wagiaalla 2007-04-16 19:36:39 UTC
Artifact problem was fixed by changes in the way highlighting is done
This commit fixes the thrashing problem.

2007-04-16  swagiaal  <swagiaal@redhat.com>

        * sessions/Session.java (setName): Added check for client trying to set
        the name of the session to an empty String.
        * druid/CreateFryskSessionDruid.java (loadSessionMode): Used 
        collectProcsByExecutablePath() instead of coolectProcs().
        Made nameEntry ingnore DELETE events.

2007-04-16  swagiaal  <swagiaal@redhat.com>

        * eventviewer/TimeLine.java: Added redrawObserver to redraw the widget
when it is
        * eventviewer/EventViewer2.java: Removed mass expose listiner fix for bz
        Removed selection listiner.
        * UniqueHashMap.java (add): Added check to throw an exception when an object
        is added more than once.
        * ProcWiseDataModel.java (collectProcsByExecutablePath): replaced
collectProcs with
        * MenuBar.java: Added handling for Session Manager MenuItem.