Bug 3150 - Clicking on eggtrayicon lets you bring up a blank session
Summary: Clicking on eggtrayicon lets you bring up a blank session
Alias: None
Product: frysk
Classification: Unclassified
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
: P2 normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Phil Muldoon
Depends on:
Blocks: 3398
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Reported: 2006-08-30 13:56 UTC by Rick Moseley
Modified: 2006-11-28 16:08 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Rick Moseley 2006-08-30 13:56:59 UTC
When you initially bring up frysk and the eggtrayicon appears, if you left-click
on it before a session has been selected from the start-up manager it brings up
a blank session.  The start-up manager is still there and you can still select a
session ok.

My thoughts are that if the eggtrayicon is left-clicked and a session has not
yet been selected, the start-up manager should be brought up.
Comment 1 Phil Muldoon 2006-08-31 17:40:35 UTC
This is actually a developer workaround at the moment to get to the monitor
without a session, though agreed it should be removed eventually.
Comment 2 Phil Muldoon 2006-11-28 16:08:01 UTC
Workaround removed. Now double clicking the tray icon will bring up either the
monitor, if there is a monitor active, or the session manager in all other cases.

2006-09-20  Phil Muldoon  <pmuldoon@redhat.com>

        * Gui.java (buildTrayManager): Remove popup control.
        * SessionManagerGui.java (isSessionLaunched): New.
        (openSession): Control the popup of the tray icon to either
        select monitor window, or session manager, depending on context.

        * glade/procpop.glade: Remove program observers menu item,
        until we decide a better place in the workflow.
Comment 3 Phil Muldoon 2006-11-28 16:08:50 UTC
Fixed as in #2