Bug 3084 - Frysk refers to (1) child process, when actually (2) siblings are there
Summary: Frysk refers to (1) child process, when actually (2) siblings are there
Alias: None
Product: frysk
Classification: Unclassified
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
: P2 normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Phil Muldoon
Depends on:
Blocks: 1632
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Reported: 2006-08-17 20:54 UTC by Len DiMaggio
Modified: 2006-11-21 23:22 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Last reconfirmed:

screen shot 1 (195.37 KB, image/png)
2006-08-17 20:55 UTC, Len DiMaggio
screen shot 2 (221.19 KB, image/png)
2006-08-17 20:56 UTC, Len DiMaggio
screen shot 3 (203.21 KB, image/png)
2006-08-17 20:56 UTC, Len DiMaggio

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Description Len DiMaggio 2006-08-17 20:54:22 UTC
I'm seeing the following with Frysk as built from CVS head on 20060807:

1) Start up 2 separate funit-child processes - set the timeout for 10 minutes

2) Check with ps that the two processes are running

3) Start up Frysk - create a new debug session. Observe the screen display in
the first attachment to this bug - the process display indicates: "1 child
process". But, two distinct funit-child processes are running.

4) Open the Frysk debug session. Observe the screen display in the 2nd
attachment to this bug - the display correctly displays the two funit-child
processes - as siblings of each other - under a "funit-child" indented list title.

5) At this point, I saw these exceptions - that I have not been able to get to
happend again:
[ldimaggi@dhcp83-99 dogtail_scripts]$ java.lang.Exception:
get_label_from_notebook_page: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (child)' failed
   at org.gnu.glib.GObject.printStackTrace(libgtkjava-2.8.so)
   at org.gnu.gtk.Widget.gtk_widget_show_all(libgtkjava-2.8.so)
   at org.gnu.gtk.Widget.showAll(libgtkjava-2.8.so)
   at frysk.gui.sessions.ProcessPicker.finish(FryskGui)
   at frysk.gui.sessions.ProcessPicker$3.buttonEvent(FryskGui)
   at org.gnu.gtk.Button.fireButtonEvent(libgtkjava-2.8.so)
   at org.gnu.gtk.Button.handleClick(libgtkjava-2.8.so)
   at org.gnu.gtk.Dialog.gtk_dialog_run(libgtkjava-2.8.so)
   at org.gnu.gtk.Dialog.run(libgtkjava-2.8.so)
   at frysk.gui.sessions.ProcessPicker.checkSession(FryskGui)
   at frysk.gui.SessionManagerGui$12.buttonEvent(FryskGui)
   at org.gnu.gtk.Button.fireButtonEvent(libgtkjava-2.8.so)
   at org.gnu.gtk.Button.handleClick(libgtkjava-2.8.so)
   at org.gnu.gtk.Gtk.gtk_main(libgtkjava-2.8.so)
   at org.gnu.gtk.Gtk.main(libgtkjava-2.8.so)
   at frysk.gui.Gui.gui(FryskGui)
   at frysk.gui.FryskGui.main(FryskGui)
java.lang.Exception: get_label_from_notebook_page: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET
(child)' failed
   at org.gnu.glib.GObject.printStackTrace(libgtkjava-2.8.so)
   at org.gnu.gtk.Widget.gtk_widget_show_all(libgtkjava-2.8.so)
   at org.gnu.gtk.Widget.showAll(libgtkjava-2.8.so)
   at frysk.gui.sessions.ProcessPicker.finish(FryskGui)
   at frysk.gui.sessions.ProcessPicker$3.buttonEvent(FryskGui)
   at org.gnu.gtk.Button.fireButtonEvent(libgtkjava-2.8.so)
   at org.gnu.gtk.Button.handleClick(libgtkjava-2.8.so)
   at org.gnu.gtk.Dialog.gtk_dialog_run(libgtkjava-2.8.so)
   at org.gnu.gtk.Dialog.run(libgtkjava-2.8.so)
   at frysk.gui.sessions.ProcessPicker.checkSession(FryskGui)
   at frysk.gui.SessionManagerGui$12.buttonEvent(FryskGui)
   at org.gnu.gtk.Button.fireButtonEvent(libgtkjava-2.8.so)
   at org.gnu.gtk.Button.handleClick(libgtkjava-2.8.so)
   at org.gnu.gtk.Gtk.gtk_main(libgtkjava-2.8.so)
   at org.gnu.gtk.Gtk.main(libgtkjava-2.8.so)
   at frysk.gui.Gui.gui(FryskGui)
   at frysk.gui.FryskGui.main(FryskGui)

See the 3rd attachment to this bug.

6) Step 5 is non-reproducible so far - apart from this one instance, I have seen
Frysk correctly fire the observers for multiple processes
Comment 1 Len DiMaggio 2006-08-17 20:55:28 UTC
Created attachment 1230 [details]
screen shot 1
Comment 2 Len DiMaggio 2006-08-17 20:56:02 UTC
Created attachment 1231 [details]
screen shot 2
Comment 3 Len DiMaggio 2006-08-17 20:56:49 UTC
Created attachment 1232 [details]
screen shot 3
Comment 4 Phil Muldoon 2006-08-24 01:40:35 UTC
The check in illustrated by the changelog below should fix the counting of
processes, and gets rid of the "child" in the term. I could not replicate the
notebook widget warning, so I think it is unrelated. If you can replicate the
notebook warning, please reopen bug.

2006-08-23  Phil Muldoon  <pmuldoon@redhat.com>

        * ProcWiseDataModel.java(ProcDestroyedObserver.update):
        Changed process verb in treeview. Changed process accountancy.
        (ProcCreatedObserver.update): Ditto.
Comment 5 Len DiMaggio 2006-08-24 14:13:48 UTC
Verified as fixed in frysk built from CVS head - 20060824