Bug 2664 - Frysk monitor GUI cannot be resized - intentional?
Summary: Frysk monitor GUI cannot be resized - intentional?
Alias: None
Product: frysk
Classification: Unclassified
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
: P2 normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Phil Muldoon
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Blocks: 1632
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Reported: 2006-05-16 13:12 UTC by Len DiMaggio
Modified: 2006-06-17 17:26 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Len DiMaggio 2006-05-16 13:12:37 UTC
Frysk monitor GUI cannot be resized - intentional?

The Frysk monitor GUI - as built from the CVS head late on May 15, 2006, exhbits
this behavior:

When the GUI is first started, and before a process is selected to monitor, the
GUI window can be resized.

Once a process is selected (in the "Processes" tab), the GUI cannot be resized.

'Just checking - we're not leaving it like this, are we?
Comment 1 Phil Muldoon 2006-06-15 02:00:05 UTC
As of 6/14 build I can resize monitor at any time. I did notice a new status bar
has been added that contains the selected processes disk path. This addition
might have changed and fixed this behaviour. Can you confirm?
Comment 2 Phil Muldoon 2006-06-17 17:24:19 UTC
I'm clson
Comment 3 Phil Muldoon 2006-06-17 17:26:19 UTC
I'm closing as I cannot reproduce with current CVS HEAD. Feel free to open up if
it creeps back in again, or still does not work for you