cagney rmoseley: ping rmoseley cagney, pong cagney rmoseley: did frysk/dom/DOMTestGUIBuilder get converted to junit? rmoseley cagney, no it was really a subset of DOMTestDOMFrysk and was used by ajocksch to generate a DOM so he can test the GUI source code, so it really does not need to be made junit IMHO, we can delete it if need be cagney so even its output is no longer used, yea rmoseley I believe so, I think ajocksch took it and molded it into something he is using rmoseley heading into the office, biab |<-- rmoseley has left (Leaving) ajocksch cagney: yeah, I'm not using that anymore you can delete it
Index: frysk-core/frysk/dom/ChangeLog 2006-01-23 Andrew Cagney <> * Delete; not used.