Bug 1432 - an attached task, created by LinuxProc.sendRefresh, lacks ISA
Summary: an attached task, created by LinuxProc.sendRefresh, lacks ISA
Alias: None
Product: frysk
Classification: Unclassified
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
: P1 normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Andrew Cagney
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Blocks: 2081
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Reported: 2005-10-06 20:32 UTC by Andrew Cagney
Modified: 2006-01-12 14:47 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Andrew Cagney 2005-10-06 20:32:09 UTC
Any tasks created before the process has been attached do not have the ISA set.
Comment 1 Andrew Cagney 2005-10-31 02:37:53 UTC
Index: frysk-core/frysk/proc/ChangeLog
2005-10-30  Andrew Cagney  <cagney@redhat.com>

        * TestSyscallOpen.java: Simplify, use SyscallEventInfo, not
        I386Linux .SyscallEventInfo.
        * TestI386Regs.java, TestI386Modify.java: Ditto.
Comment 2 Andrew Cagney 2005-10-31 03:44:09 UTC
Index: frysk/proc/ChangeLog
2005-10-30  Andrew Cagney  <cagney@redhat.com>

        * LinixIa32.java, LinuxPowerPc.java, LinuxX8664.java: Rename
        I386Linux.java, PowerPcLinux.java, X8664Linux.java:
        * LinuxHost.java: Update.
        * LinuxProc.java: Update.
        * TestI386Modify.java: Update.
        * TestI386Regs.java: Update.
        * TestSyscallOpen.java: Update.
Comment 3 Andrew Cagney 2005-10-31 04:51:01 UTC
Index: frysk/proc/ChangeLog
2005-10-30  Andrew Cagney  <cagney@redhat.com>

        * LinuxIa32.java: Delete class .Task.
        * LinuxTask.java: Implement .sendrecIsa.  Add method setupMaps,
        use in constructors.
        * Task.java: Add abstract method .sendrecIsa.  Make .getIsa final.
        * LinuxProc.java, LinuxHost.java: Create LinuxTask, not
Comment 4 Andrew Cagney 2005-10-31 05:08:35 UTC
Index: frysk/proc/ChangeLog
2005-10-31  Andrew Cagney  <cagney@redhat.com>

        * LinuxIa32.java: Fold inner Isa class into main class.
        * LinuxX8664.java: Ditto.
        * LinuxPowerPc.java: Ditto.
        * TestI386Regs.java, TestI386Modify.java: Update.
Comment 5 Andrew Cagney 2005-10-31 05:42:25 UTC
Index: frysk/proc/ChangeLog
2005-10-31  Andrew Cagney  <cagney@redhat.com>

        * Isa.java: Add .getSyscallEventInfo.
        * LinuxIa32.java: Implement getSyscallEventInfo.
        * LinuxPowerPc.java: Delete unimplemented .SyscallEventInfo.
        * LinuxX8664.java: Ditto.
        * TestSyscallOpen.java: Update.
        * TestI386Regs.java: Update.
        * TestI386Modify.java: Update.

There is now always an isa.