We need to audit that all tapsets are included in tapsets.tmpl, so their documentation can be generated. It's a manual step to decide how to organize the files, but it would be nice to at least have some automated script to inform us that something is being left out.
c50caebf4b78429227b7a35896327fb4c9c2084a script is located in the systemtap/doc/SystemTap_Tapset_Reference/ directory and called tapcheck.sh
There are a number of tapset files are not currently in the Tapset Reference manual. $ ./tapcheck.sh You have missing documentation from tapsets in use, specifically: argv.stp atomic.stp aux_syscalls.stp dev.stp endian.stp indent-default.stp inet_sock.stp inet.stp ipmib-filter-default.stp kretprobe.stp linuxmib-filter-default.stp nd_syscalls2.stp nd_syscalls.stp nfsderrno.stp nfsd.stp nfs_proc.stp nfs.stp null.stp perf.stp registers.stp rpc.stp syscalls2.stp syscalls_cfg_trunc.stp syscalls.stp target_set.stp tcpmib-filter-default.stp utrace.stp vfs.stp [wcohen@cannondale SystemTap_Tapset_Refere
Hey Will, From Josh's initial comment, I was under the impression that the intent of this PR was to create a script to inform us some documentation is being left out ("It's a manual step to decide how to organize the files, but it would be nice to at least have some automated script to inform us that something is being left out"). Hence why I closed it. From the brevity of your comment I'm unsure if you are looking for me to add the documentation or is there an issue with the script itself?
commit: 3fdcc4e9f8c6eded3c1d8e7c243056ef597ad164 adds several more tapsets to the tapsets.tmpl file. A note has been added to PR2111 noting that syscall* tapsets should eventually be added to tampsets.tmpl as well. PR13101 was created to add structured comments to networking tapests and PR13102 was created similarly for nfs tapsets