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Bug # Dupe
Change in last
7 day(s)
Component Severity Priority Target Milestone Summary
15468 2 0 c++ normal P2 9.1 crash breakpoint.c:5940: internal-error: print_one_breakpoint_location
9659 2 0 mi normal P3 9.1 -break-list can produce non MI compliant output
24454 2 0 gdb normal P2 8.3.1 nat/x86-linux-dregs.c:146: internal-error: void x86_linux_update_debug_registers(lwp_info*): Assertion `lwp_is_stopped (lwp)' failed.
20020 9 0 c++ critical P2 8.3.1 GDB segfault on printing objects
22854 4 0 win32 normal P2 8.2 win64: crash inside call_function_by_hand()
12326 3 0 cli normal P2 8.2 pager could use a "continue without asking" response
11927 2 0 symtab normal P2 8.2 looking up structure members as symtabs?
12623 2 0 gdb critical P2 7.9 Crashes on 'n' or 's' single stepping in 'non-stop' mode.
16253 2 0 c++ normal P2 7.8 Cannot print an enum var with the same name as tag
7143 2 0 breakpoints normal P3 7.8 Watchpoint does not trigger when first set
14983 2 0 corefiles critical P2 7.7 GDB 7.5.1 crash due to NULL pointer reference at -break-insert
11990 2 0 c++ normal P2 7.7 "can't find linker symbol for virtual table for ..." when printing variables
15415 2 0 gdb normal P2 7.6.1 gdb resolves symbolic links when passing argv[0]
8888 6 0 c++ normal P3 7.6 Gdb can't lookup class typedef when in methods of the class
7221 2 0 cli enhancement P3 7.6 (gdb) catch signal SIGNAL
9514 2 0 exp normal P3 7.5 (void(**)()) is syntax error
8287 3 0 cli enhancement P3 7.4 skipping boring functions when stepping
11467 2 0 corefiles normal P2 7.2 amd64 gdb generates corrupted 32bit core file
11060 2 0 python normal P2 7.2 the template_argument function cannot handle value arguments
8693 2 0 c++ normal P3 7.2 names of c++ nested types in casts must be enclosed in quotes

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