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Bug # Dupe
Change in last
7 day(s)
Component Severity Priority Target Milestone Summary
21393 3 0 stdio minor P3 2.26 Missing dup3 error check in freopen, freopen64
10645 2 0 breakpoints enhancement P3 6.8 Watchpoints on unreadable memory need no singlestepping
9659 2 0 mi normal P3 9.1 -break-list can produce non MI compliant output
9646 2 0 gdb normal P3 6.8 ARM single step problem with instruction 0xa5ffffeb
9542 2 0 gdb normal P3 --- GDB 6.3/6.4 Not recognizing Core Files: GDB can't read core files on this machine.
9523 2 0 build enhancement P3 --- build error in infcall.c on gcc 3.2.3, due to compiler warning with -Werror
9514 2 0 exp normal P3 7.5 (void(**)()) is syntax error
9241 2 0 gdb enhancement P3 6.8 BFD: BFD 2.15.93 20041018 internal error
9103 2 0 exp enhancement P3 7.0 print command should print wchar_t strings
9022 2 0 breakpoints enhancement P3 6.8 Setting pending breakpoints is not scriptable, at least not intuitively
8888 6 0 c++ normal P3 7.6 Gdb can't lookup class typedef when in methods of the class
8704 2 0 breakpoints enhancement P3 --- Can't set thread qualified breakpoints on an address
8693 2 0 c++ normal P3 7.2 names of c++ nested types in casts must be enclosed in quotes
8660 2 0 shlibs normal P3 --- Problems with next and step in functions in shlibs
8652 2 0 backtrace normal P3 --- corrupt stack?
8588 3 0 gdb normal P3 --- symbols present in multiple files are displayed wrongly
8487 2 0 cli enhancement P3 --- [RFA] error-catching mechanism for scripts (fwd)
8447 2 0 c++ normal P3 --- Data inspection does not work in conversion operator with static variable.
8425 2 0 threads normal P3 7.2 lin-lwp.c:1317: internal-error: lin_lwp_wait: Assertion `iterate_over_lwps (running_callback, NULL)' failed.
8287 3 0 cli enhancement P3 7.4 skipping boring functions when stepping

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