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Bug # Dupe
Change in last
7 day(s)
Component Severity Priority Target Milestone Summary
333 68 0 build normal P1 --- Obsolete bug, report build bugs in "build" component (was: Do not report build errors in bugzilla!)
1021 2 0 ld critical P1 --- bfd links incorrectly on solaris
1025 2 0 ld critical P1 --- binutils failed to build gcc 4.0.1 20050619
1418 2 0 general normal P1 --- A rapidly exec'ing process on attach causes stack trace
1564 2 0 runtime critical P1 --- need safe IO that works in all possible contexts
1726 2 0 general normal P1 --- Parse type casts
2060 2 0 translator normal P1 --- improve translated C code to reduce compile & run time
2619 2 0 general normal P1 --- Can't add an observer to init (PID = 1)
2620 2 0 general normal P1 --- {frysk.proc.LinuxProc@61821c0,pid=7916,state=running} in state "running" did not handle handleAddTasksObserver
3591 2 0 runtime critical P1 --- need better array/misc. allocation + tests
8923 4 0 build enhancement P1 --- Linker (ld) Error During GDB Build
9425 3 0 threads minor P1 --- When using "sigwait" GDB doesn't trap SIGINT. Ctrl+C terminates program when should break gdb.
12059 5 0 localedata enhancement P1 --- kg_*: new kikongo locales
832 2 0 admin normal P2 --- ldd contains a bashism
1015 2 0 localedata enhancement P2 --- be_BY@tarask: new locale
1481 7 0 manual normal P2 --- No man pages are part of glibc, DO NOT REPORT MAN PAGE BUGS HERE!
1487 3 0 ld normal P2 --- ELF input section may not be handled properly
2737 2 0 binutils normal P2 --- windres depends on host's endianness and bitness
3040 2 0 libc normal P2 --- sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/openat.c
3179 2 0 general normal P2 --- Heavy usage of eventviewer causes crash

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What are "Most Frequently Reported Bugs"?

The Most Frequent Bugs page lists the known open bugs which are reported most frequently, counting the number of direct and indirect duplicates of bugs. This information is provided in order to assist in minimizing the amount of duplicate bugs entered into Sourceware Bugzilla, which saves time for Quality Assurance engineers who have to triage the bugs.

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