Game Overview

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*** Space Empires ***

This game includes 15 unit types and 3 terrain types, along with 2 material types.
Number of sides to play may range from 2 to 15, defaulting to 2.

Side advantages are fixed.

Terrain view is always accurate once seen.

Sides move simultaneously.

Unit Types:
    army (military force, equipped with in-system ships)
    engineers (construction team, equipped with in-system ships)
    transport (deep space transport)
    starbase (staging and refueling post in deep space)
    shipyard (where starships get built)
    small planet (small airless planet)
    planet (medium-sized habitable planet)
    gas giant (large planet with no surface, can only orbit)
    ringed gas giant (large planet with rings but no surface, can only orbit)
    asteroid belt (a region of small planetoids, rich in metal)
    yellow star (normal mainstream star)
    red giant (large reddish star, can have planets)
    black hole (space-time anomaly, quite visible)

Terrain Types:
    deep space (interstellar space)
    nebula (area of gas, masks area behind)
    star system (area around a star)

Material Types:
    fuel (mixture of gases, powers everything)
    metal (used to build everything)

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File produced by Xcscribe for Xconq version 7.5pre (July 2004).