Game Overview

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*** Cast Iron Life ***

This game includes 47 unit types and 16 terrain types, along with 8 material types, and it has 21 types of advances.
Exactly 7 sides may play.

Side advantages are fixed.

Terrain view is always accurate once seen.
World terrain is already seen by all sides.

Sides move simultaneously.

Unit Types:
    Irregular Militia Division (Weaker than a regular infantry division and slower)
    Irregular Cavalry Division (Increases spotting and ACP of an Army.)
    Smoothbore Musket Regular Infantry Division (The standard infantry division equipped with smoothbore muskets)
    Smoothbore Musket Militia Division (Weaker than a regular infantry division and slower)
    Smoothbore Musket Cavalry Division (Increases spotting and ACP of an Army.)
    Smoothbore Musket Marine Division (Same hitting power as a regular infantry division, but more easily transported)
    Rifled Musket Regular Infantry Division (The standard infantry division equipped with rifled muskets)
    Rifled Musket Militia Division (Weaker than a regular infantry division and slower)
    Rifled Musket Cavalry Division (Increases spotting and ACP of an Army.)
    Rifled Musket Marine Division (Same hitting power as a regular infantry division, but more easily transported)
    Repeating Rifle Infantry Division (The standard infantry division equipped with repeating rifles)
    Repeating Rifle Militia Division (Weaker than a regular infantry division and slower)
    Repeating Rifle Cavalry Division (Increases spotting and ACP of an Army.)
    Repeating Rifle Marine Division (Same hitting power as a regular infantry division, but more easily transported)
    Bolt-Action Rifle Infantry Division (The standard infantry division equipped with repeating rifles)
    Bolt-Action Rifle Militia Division (Weaker than a regular infantry division and slower)
    Bolt-Action Rifle Cavalry Division (Increases spotting and ACP of an Army.)
    Bolt-Action Rifle Marine Division (Same hitting power as a regular infantry division, but more easily transported)
    Early Light Artillery (Smoothbore light artillery)
    Improved Light Artillery (Rifled light artillery)
    Late Light Artillery (Breach-loaded light artillery)
    Early Medium Artillery (Smoothbore medium artillery)
    Improved Medium Artillery (Rifled medium artillery)
    Late Medium Artillery (Breach-loaded medium artillery)
    Early Heavy Artillery (Smoothbore heavy artillery)
    Improved Heavy Artillery (Rifled heavy artillery)
    Late Heavy Artillery (Breach-loaded heavy artillery)
    Army (An Army)
    Fleet (A Fleet)
    Transport Vessel (A steam-powered ship to carry troops and supplies)
    Wooden Frigate (An old steam-powered ship of the line)
    Early Ironclad Ram (A wooden frigate clad with iron)
    Early Monitor (A low-keel, coastal vessel)
    Late Ironclad Ram (An ironclad by design.)
    Multi-Turret Monitor (An improved turreted ironclad)
    Mastless Ironclad (Precursor to modern naval vessels)
    Early Armored Cruiser (Big, heavy and powerful)
    Late Armored Cruiser (Bigger, heavier and more powerful)
    Hulk (Used to test out the effectiveness of weapons)
    Observation Balloon (Just for looks, and to keep air units available)
    Supply Depot
    town (Any minor city)
    city (Any major city)
    capital (The capital of a country or region)
    Machine Parts Factory (Produces 10 MP per turn)
    Gear Factory (Produces 10 Gear per turn)
    Ammunition Factory (Produces 10 Ammo per turn)

Terrain Types:
    sea (deep water)
    shallows (shallow coastal water and lakes)
    desert (dry open terrain)
    land (open flat or rolling country)

Material Types:
    Industry (Production Points, generic manpower)
    Tech (Tech Points, for technology)
    Fuel (Any energy source, like coal, diesel or avgas)
    Food (Food)
    Machinery (Machine Parts)
    Gear (Shoes, uniforms, canteens, parkas, etc.)
    Ammo (Bullets)
    Manpower (Manpower (250 Men))

    Smoothbore Musket
    Rifled Musket
    Repeating Rifle
    Bolt-Action Rifle
    Steam Frigate
    Early Ironclad Ram
    Early Monitor
    Improved Ironclad Ram
    Improved Monitor
    Late Ironclad
    Early Armored Cruiser
    Late Armored Cruiser
    Early Light Artillery
    Improved Light Artillery
    Late Light Artillery
    Early Medium Artillery
    Improved Medium Artillery
    Late Medium Artillery
    Early Heavy Artillery
    Improved Heavy Artillery
    Late Heavy Artillery

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File produced by Xcscribe for Xconq version 7.5pre (July 2004).