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RE: documenting element syntax

It sounds like you're asking if anyone has customized
DocBook. If that's what you want to do, to add this 
element syntax from the W3C, then you should look 
at the DocBook documentation and site for information 
on how to do a customization layer. It's fairly 
simple -- but you do have to figure out where you 
want to add in these elements and how it should be

See the following URLs: (docbook home 
at OASIS) (the online version of 
the official documentation) (this is the Source Forge 
home, but it has several links that may help)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 2:30 AM
> To:
> Subject: [xsl] documenting element syntax
> hi all,
> i'm currently in the process of writing the specification for 
> an xml-based
> programming language using docbook, with the intent of producing both
> printable (fo/pdf) and online (html) output.
> however i've found no really good way to express the 
> syntax/grammar of the
> xml elements that make up an important part of the language. 
> ebnf is not
> well suited for the purpose and funcsynopsis obviously 
> doesn't work at all.
> before switching to docbook i played around with the w3c 
> xmlspec format,
> and came across something called ElementSyntax which 
> perfectly captures
> element syntax (the result can be seen in the xslt and xml schema
> specifications, eg
> though i couldn't find any documentation or even an html 
> stylesheet - and
> i wouldn't have a clue how to integrate it with an existing docbook
> document.
> has anyone else done this sort of thing? advice would be much 
> appreciated!
> regards,
> /m
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