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Re: match on attribute anywhere

Hi Wendell,

> I don't know if that's deeply significant, but it is interesting,
> and prompts one to notice a class of problems (namely those where
> you need two templates to fire on the same node, one to address one
> layer, another to address a layer "on top") that can be addressed
> using this feature of xsl:apply-imports. Surprise: it works as
> intended. And that class turns out to be broader than just
> customizing standard stylesheets. (Like the class of problems
> addressed by keys, which is broader than cross-referencing.)

True. Though in most of these cases, I find myself using different
modes for the different layers. In Andrew's case I'd usually write
something like:

<xsl:template match="*[@mark]" mode="mark">
  <span style="color:#FF0000">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="." />

<xsl:template match="*[not(@mark)]" mode="mark">
  <xsl:apply-templates select="." />

And then a bunch of templates in normal mode for each of the
different types of elements, and apply templates in mark mode to add
the span element.

The trouble with the mode approach is that it's difficult to add
layers in the middle. If I wanted a separate layer to make elements
with a "flag" attribute larger, I'd have to edit the templates in mark
mode so that they applied templates in 'flag' mode instead. With
xsl:apply-imports, you'd just add another stylesheet that dealt with
the flag attribute, and change the xsl:import in the stylesheet that
deals with mark attributes.

But the advantages of the mode approach are twofold. Firstly, it keeps
everything within a single stylesheet, which I think is beneficial in
this case given that there's very little code involved in dealing with
each layer. Secondly, it is more flexible because it allows you to
choose what nodes to apply templates to explicitly, and allows you to
pass parameters to the other templates.

(Of course this latter limitation of xsl:apply-imports is a bug in
XSLT 1.0, which is going to be fixed in XSLT 2.0.)

Hmm... .I wonder whether anyone's ever put several stylesheets, one
importing another, in the same physical file (using id attributes to
distinguish between them)...



Jeni Tennison

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