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RE: generate xsl 1.0 from 2.0 question

thanks jeni, I came to sort of the same conclusion(our posts crossed), post
starts with line about coffee kicking in.
><xsl:template name="createChoose">
><xsl:param name="translatorName" />
>  <temp:choose>
>    <xsl:for-each select="$translator[@name = $translatorName]
>                            /(* | processing-instruction())">
>      <xsl:call-template name="translator" />
>    </xsl:for-each>
>  </temp:choose>

>[Note that I've swapped the child::node()[name() != ''] for something>
>that explicitly selects the nodes that have names (i.e. elements and
>processing instructions) using XPath 2.0 general steps. I suspect that
>you're just after the elements, in which case you could just use
>$translator[@name = $translatorName]/*.]

yep I was just after the elements. :) thanks again.

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