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counting preceding identical elements


I am at loss whether what I am trying to do is at all possible. I would be
able to do it in some other way, but this would mean major rearrangements
to what I have so far, and I would prefer to keep things the way they are.

I am building a simple Powerpoint-style presentation tool running on top
of Cocoon.

My XML-structure is simple:

			yes, same stuff here

Using Cocoon's clever parameter-passing, I can access each individual
slide using a section and slide number passed through to the stylesheet,
using URL's like

This is all working very nice. Using a main 'presentation' template, I
build the HTML grid and then <xsl:apply-templates

Outside of the node context created by this template however, I want to
build a little progress indicator showing how far I am in my presentation.

This little portion does most of what I want it to do:

<b><xsl:value-of select="$section"/></b>
<font size="-1"
color="gray">/<xsl:value-of select="count(//section)"/></font>&#160;
<font size="+2"><b>|</b></font>&#160;
<font size="-1"><xsl:value-of select="$slide"/>
	<font color="gray">/
	<xsl:value-of select="count(//section[position()=$section]/slide)"/>

builds up a something like this:

2/ 3  |  4/ 6

which is fine, but only depending on the parameters passed into the
stylesheet ($section and $slide).

The last thing I want to add to the indicator is a percentage - roughly
calculated by dividing the number of preceding slides by the total amount
of slides.

And now I fall into problems because this isn't happening when the context
node 'focus' is on the slide element but outside the main loop.

What I basically try to do is to calculate the number of preceding slide
elements of the slide element which position()=$slide and of which the
parent section element's position()=$section.

But I get all kinds of odd numbers - can't really figure out what is
wrong in my count() argument.

I've been trying
to no avail.

Then I switched strategies into abusing <xsl:number> like:
<xsl:number level="any" count="//section[$section]/slide[$slide]"/>
but that made not much sense neither.

A long story to ask whether what I am trying to do is really feasible when
not at the slide element itself but only with the basic knowledge that
there IS a fourth slide in section 2 due to the parameters.

Any ideas?

I know using position() is considered to be bad practice. Punish me :-)


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