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Passing Parameters between stylesheets

I am new to xsl, looking for a little help. I have 2 xsl files both
representing a table in html. The first represents an intermediate output
and the second more detailed information. The sample xml is as follows:

html output 1 displays a table as follows:
name    email    view
person1  ....    icon
person2  ....    icon

html output2 should be displayed when you click on a view icon for a
particular person

name   personx
email   -----
short description ----
position  -----

At the moment I have the code for the stylesheets but I am having problems
with achieving output 2 without hardcoding it i.e.
<xsl:for-each select="PersonRecord[Name='Freddie Johnnsen']"> to get just
Freddie's result.

It is the passing of parameters via the icon to the new stylesheet in a
generic way to produce the desired output which is problematic.


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