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RE: Transforming HTML to NITF

> the NITF has a <content.body> tag which is equivilant to
> HTMLs <body> tag.
> However, its children are far more rigidly defined in that it
> only allows elements as children.
> > I need to get the line:
> this is <em>emphasis</em> some more <b>text</b></br></br>
> > to end up wrapped in <p> tags (preferably without the <br>s)
> >
> > For clarity, the children of the body are:
>      p
>      ul
> |    text()
> |    em
> |    text()
> |    b
> |    br
> |    br
>      p
> > I need to work with thos tags that  have the | beside them
> as a single
> > block so that I can wrap the entire thing in a <p> tag.

An interesting positional grouping problem.

My first thought is a two-pass approach. First wrap the offending elements
individually in a <merge> tag, then do a positional grouping to merge
adgacent <merge> elements into a single <p> element.

The first stage is easy:

<xsl:template match="content.body/text() | content.body/em | ...">
<merge><xsl:copy-of select="."/></merge>

The second pass is trickier (positional grouping always is); I naturally do
it with saxon:leading(), which selects all the nodes in a node-set that
satisfy some condition, stopping at the first one that doesn't:

<xsl:template match="merge[not(preceding-sibling::*[1][self::merge])]">
    <xsl:copy-of select="saxon:leading(following-sibling::*,

The alternative is a recursive template that continues processing successive
elements until it finds one that isn't a <merge> element.

This might be a good one to add to the grouping use cases for XSLT 2.0

Mike Kay

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