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Re: Reduced Visibility Table?

>Is there a way to make units less visible--submarines
>and spies, for example, that could only be seen by
>adjacent units (Even if the other unit has a visual
>range higher than 1)?

DEF_UU_TABLE("see-chance", uu_see,
	"chance for a type of unit to see another type at a distance",
	uusee, constuusee, 0, 100, TABHI, TABINT)

DEF_UU_TABLE("see-chance-adjacent", uu_see_adj,
	"chance for a type of unit to see another type in the same cell",
	uuseeadj, constuuseeadj, 0, 100, TABHI, TABINT)

DEF_UU_TABLE("see-chance-at", uu_see_at,
	"chance for a type of unit to see another type in an adjacent cell",
	uuseeat, constuuseeat, 0, 100, TABHI, TABINT)

>Also, does anyone know a way to set unit ACP to 0 on

Depends on what you want to achieve. If you want your unit to be unable to
do anything just set acp-per-turn to 0. If you want your unit to be unbound
by acp (e.g. in building) set acp-independent to true.


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