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Re: Standing orders

>I'm looking at standing orders (because I think that they would make
>games like bellum.g and bolodd.g a lot easier), but I'm still unclear on
>a few things:

>From the manual:

Standing orders are basically a combination of a test or condition and a
task to be performed when the condition is met. Some interfaces may provide
a dialog to guide you through order setup, but all support the textual form
of the command, which is:

if type test task

where type is a name of a unit type, test is some sort of condition, and
task is a task, as described previously. Possible tests include at
location, in unit, and near location dist.


if armor in Paris move-to Antwerp
if bomber in London move-to 33,54
if bomber at 33,54 hit-position 34,60

You are limited to the three specific test for unit location (at, in, near)
but anything that can formulated as a single task can be a standing order.
Whether or not the rather complicated examples you gave can be standing
orders depends on whether you can express them as a single tasks. You can,
however, have several standing orders that work together, as illiustarted
by the above example.


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