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Re: Make Stap compatible with Android

>> On my opinion, this does far beyond what someone should when compiling
>> stap{io,run} for Android.
> I hear you, but your patches went to a fair amount of trouble to work
> around the lack of elfutils, when elfutils has android support (if I'm
> reading its source correctly). This does seem like the right way to
> go.
Okay. Android does built its own version of elfutils, and their compiler
seems to support libz. Sorry for that.
However, the Android libc (aka bionic) lags some standard features,
i.e., argparse. To overcome that issue, the Android developers made some

Android uses its own build system which bypasses configure in case of
elfutils. The Android build system is used to include the aforementioned
(Android.bp is a new variant of a Makefile)

One of those fixups is a workaround for the missing argp_parse in bionic.
I tried to include that fixup manually: ./configure
--host=arm-linux-androideabi  CFLAGS="-include
`pwd`/bionic-fixup/AndroidFixup.h -I`pwd`/bionic-fixup/"
But configure still fails, because the linker cannot find -largp.

- Alex

Technische Universität Dortmund
Alexander Lochmann                PGP key: 0xBC3EF6FD
Otto-Hahn-Str. 16                 phone:  +49.231.7556141
D-44227 Dortmund                  fax:    +49.231.7556116

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