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Re: [BUG] syscall.unlink no longer works after upgrading kernel to 3.7.3

On 05/28/2013 02:35 PM, Zheng Da wrote:
> Yes, it's my own script. Here is the code:
> probe kernel.function("scsi_device_unbusy") {
>     if ($sdev->host->host_no == 9 && $sdev->id == 1) {
>         printf("sdev on node %d, host on node %d\n",
> addr_to_node($sdev), addr_to_node($sdev->host));
>         exit();
>     }
> }
> The script works in Linux 3.2.12.

Ok, this also works on 3.9.2-200.fc18.x86_64.  I don't hit that
particular host_no+id on my machine, but it is hitting the probe.

> systemtap actually can find the right location of scsi_device_unbusy,
> but it doesn't show its parameters.
> $ stap -L 'kernel.function("scsi_device_unbusy")'
> kernel.function("scsi_device_unbusy@drivers/scsi/scsi_lib.c:318")
> I run eu-readelf -N --debug-dump=info
> /usr/lib/debug/lib/modules/3.8.12/vmlinux and the info of
> scsi_device_unbusy is shown below:
>  [43d72e9]    subprogram
>              external             (flag) Yes
>              name                 (strp) "scsi_device_unbusy"
>              decl_file            (data1) 1
>              decl_line            (data2) 318
>              prototyped           (flag) Yes
>              low_pc               (addr) 0xffffffff81480e80
>              high_pc              (addr) 0xffffffff81480f44
>              frame_base           (data4) location list [e061d3]
>              sibling              (ref4) [43d7492]
>  [43d730b]      formal_parameter
>                name                 (strp) "sdev"
>                decl_file            (data1) 1
>                decl_line            (data2) 318
>                type                 (ref4) [43d22ff]
>                location             (data4) location list [e06233]
> Josh, when you say "DWARF dump", do you mean the output of eu-readelf
> as I did above?

Yep, that's great.  Next, can you try --debug-dump=loc and see the list
at [e06233] for sdev?  This will hopefully reveal why it's not
available.  On my Fedora 18 kernel, I get:

>  [3b28227]    subprogram
>              external             (flag_present) Yes
>              name                 (strp) "scsi_device_unbusy"
>              decl_file            (data1) 1
>              decl_line            (data2) 323
>              prototyped           (flag_present) Yes
>              low_pc               (addr) 0xffffffff81420310
>              high_pc              (addr) 0xffffffff814203d4
>              frame_base           (exprloc) 
>               [   0] call_frame_cfa
>              GNU_all_call_sites   (flag_present) Yes
>              sibling              (ref4) [3b28405]
>  [3b28245]      formal_parameter
>                name                 (strp) "sdev"
>                decl_file            (data1) 1
>                decl_line            (data2) 323
>                type                 (ref4) [3b22271]
>                location             (sec_offset) location list [d6aa75]
>  [d6aa75]  0xffffffff81420315..0xffffffff8142033f [   0] reg5
>            0xffffffff8142033f..0xffffffff814203a6 [   0] reg3
>            0xffffffff814203a6..0xffffffff814203b4 [   0] GNU_entry_value:
>        [   0] reg5
>                                                   [   3] stack_value
>            0xffffffff814203b4..0xffffffff814203d4 [   0] reg3

You can see that my function starts at 420310, yet sdev is first
specified at 420315.  That's the 5-byte fentry call still padding it
away from the start, also seen in objdump -d:

> ffffffff81420310 <scsi_device_unbusy>:
> ffffffff81420310:	e8 eb 92 24 00       	callq  ffffffff81669600 <__fentry__>
> ffffffff81420315:	55                   	push   %rbp
> ffffffff81420316:	48 89 e5             	mov    %rsp,%rbp
> ffffffff81420319:	48 83 ec 20          	sub    $0x20,%rsp

But in my case, the heuristic of stap 45b02a36 appears to be working.  I
can also set environment PR15123_DISABLE=1, and it will fail the same as
for you.  Perhaps you could step through dwflpp::pr15123_retry_addr, and
see what's happening?

My best guess at this point is the check for "-mfentry" in
DW_AT_producer.  I found a Yocto commit where they forced gcc to have
-grecord-gcc-switches, exactly for SystemTap's benefit, but then I'm not
sure why Fedora is able to manage without that option.

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