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Re: XML(-ish) output?

On 10/1/12, Frank Ch. Eigler <> wrote:
>> I couldn't find any reference to generating output files as XML
>> documents in sourceware's documentation per se [...]
> One can do so from first principles:
>     probe FOO {
>           printf("<tag attrib=\"foo\">\n");
>           printf("<bar/>\n");
>           printf("</tag>\n");
>     }
> How much deeper support for xml generation were you hoping for?
 Well, as deep as necessary. Why should depth matter? Shouldn't
generating an XML-ish stack be straight forward?
> Quoting of some sort?
 Anything that would let me test its output by generating an XML dump
and then somehow reconstruct original dump based on the XML feed, so
things is idempotent
 My intention isn't really hacking into binaries, but somehow getting
and tracking -detailed- dependency relationships in binaries and how
they relate to source code. Maybe you know of a better tools or you
have a better idea about how should one approach such a task
 Any suggestions?

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