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Re: Defintion of CONTEXT

ok, but I would like to find out about the several
information to which is possible to access with CONTEXT.
For instance, CONTEXT->regs allows you to get the
value stored in some registers (I guess),
There are other fields, such as CONTEXT->regflags, CONTEXT->pi
and so on. Where can I find a full description (or definition)
of CONTEXT? What can I access to with CONTEXT?.
Thank you in advance.

Quoting "Frank Ch. Eigler" <>:

Domenico Di Leo <> writes:

in several stp scripts, files .c and .h  appear the variable CONTEXT,
I would like to take at look at its definition,
I guess it is a struct, but where is it defined?

CONTEXT is a pointer into a "struct context[]" array, which is a place to store sizeable local variables for the currently running probe/function. Such locals are stored on the heap rather than on the (scarce) kernel stack.

- FChE

Domenico Di Leo, PhD student, Universit? degli Studi di Napoli Federico II Ph: +39 081 676770 Fax: +39 081 676574 Web:

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