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Re: Proposal for PR 13128


It has been pointed out, by Josh and Frank that some self-checking by the module itself will be necessary in order to handle the case where an older version of staprun is presented with a new module which has been signed for stapkern. In this case, the older staprun will load the module after verifying the signature, even if the user only has stapusr level privileges.

The new modules will contain generated code which is aware of the privilege level required to run the module. staprun will pass in the user's credentials (group membership) and the module will unload itself if the user's credentials are insufficient.

Note that the module self check is necessary and sufficient for a correct implementation, however having staprun check privilege levels before loading the module will prevent the rapid loading and unloading of modules by unauthorized users (a kind of DOS attack) and having two levels of checking certainly can't hurt.

I thought I would go through the various scenarios to ensure that we've thought of them all and that they're all covered. There are 3 variables to consider: old vs new staprun, new vs old modules, signed vs unsigned modules. When evaluating the scenarios, remember that, at a minimum, a user must be a member of stapusr to even execute staprun and that all signed and verified modules were created by a trusted systemtap implementation.

Any scenario involving an older version of staprun with old modules is as implemented today. The new scenarios are:

Scenario 1: Old staprun + new, unsigned module
    - The module will only be loaded for root and members of stapdev

Scenario 2: Old staprun + new, signed module
- staprun will verify the signature of the module
- if verification fails
- the module will not be loaded
- if verification succeeds
- staprun will load the module
- staprun will not pass any user credentials to the module
- The generated code in the module will assume that the user's credentials are stapusr (minimum).
- If the module was signed for stapkern, the self check will fail and the module will unload itself. Note that this will, unfortunately, happen even if the user has stapkern credentials, however the old staprun cannot check this.

Scenario 3: New staprun + old, unsigned module
    - The module will only be loaded for root and members of stapdev

Scenario 4: New staprun + old, signed module
- staprun will verify the signature of the module
- if verification fails
- the module will not be loaded
- if verification succeeds
- staprun will look for the privilege level within the module and will not find the section
- staprun will assume that the privilege level of the module is stapusr (the minimum signed privilege level)
- staprun will load the module, passing the user's actual credentials
- The self check within the module will pass, since stapusr is the minimum privilege level.

Scenario 5: New staprun + new, unsigned module
    - The module will only be loaded for root and members of stapdev

Scenario 6: New staprun + new, signed module
- staprun will verify the signature of the module
- if verification fails
- the module will not be loaded
- if verification succeeds
- staprun will look for the privilege level within the module (the section will be found)
- if there is an error parsing data within the section, the module will not be loaded
- if the user's privilege is less than required, the module will not be loaded
- otherwise staprun will load the module, passing the user's actual credentials
- The self check within the module will pass, since the use has the required privilege level
- Note that not loading the module when there is an error parsing the privilege data allows for the future where this staprun is old and unaware of some new privilege level which may be higher than stapkern. This assumption will prevent a user with stapkern credentials from loading a future module which requires that higher privilege level. Although it is difficult to imagine a privilege level between stapkern and stapdev, we certainly shouldn't prevent one from existing!


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