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Re: Segmentation Fault: Task died at uprobe probepoint

On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 6:33 PM, Frank Ch. Eigler <> wrote:
> Gaurav Dhiman <> writes:
>> [...]
>> The following commit is on the head of the git log I have (I don't
>> know how to get the exact systemtap version):
>> commit b275171e26c0cf9441858209ac62e70b8ddda71d
>> [...]
> That's perfectly specific, thanks.
>> [...]
>> Following are the logs from the Pass 5 of the run with stap -vvvt
>> Pass 5: starting run.
>> [...]
>> stapio:stp_main_loop:571 probe_start() returned 0
>> stap_uprobe_change_plus:67: +uprobe spec 0 idx 0 process uprobe-test[25763] addr 0000000000400517 pp process("/home/gdhiman/tests/uprobe-test").function("test_func@/home/gdhiman/tests/uprobe-test.c:4")
>> test begin!!
>> test_func called!
>> i=0x5
>> stap_uprobe_change_minus:220: -uprobe spec 0 idx 0 process uprobe-test[25763] reloc 0000000000400517 pp process("/home/gdhiman/tests/uprobe-test").function("test_func@/home/gdhiman/tests/uprobe-test.c:4")
>> The program receives a SIGSEGV signal at this point.
> OK, something is wrong here. ?See that -uprobe line? ?It means stap
> has for some reason determined that it's time to remove the uprobe,
> but that should not happen until either the script or the target
> program exits.
> This will make things more verbose, but could you try adding
> command line?

You are right, that looks suspicious; it is actually removing the
probe, when it should not be doing it. Here is the more verbose

stap_uprobe_process_found:246: +proc pid 27237 stf ffffffffa001dce0
ffffffffa001dce0 path /home/gdhiman/tests/uprobe-test
stap_uprobe_change_plus:67: +uprobe spec 0 idx 0 process
uprobe-test[27237] addr 0000000000400517 pp
test begin!!
_stp_tf_exec_cb:29: tsk 27237:27237 , register_p: 1, process_p: 1
__stp_call_mmap_callbacks:599: pid 27237, a/l/o/p/path 0x400000
0x1000  0x0  r-xp  /home/gdhiman/tests/uprobe-test
_stp_tf_mmap_cb:51: mmap_cb: tsk 27237:27237 path
/home/gdhiman/tests/uprobe-test, addr 0x00400000, length 0x00001000,
offset 0x0, flags 0x8001875
_stp_tf_mmap_cb:63: vm_cb: matched path
/home/gdhiman/tests/uprobe-test to module (for sec: .absolute)
__stp_call_mmap_callbacks:599: pid 27237, a/l/o/p/path 0x600000
0x2000  0x0  rw-p  /home/gdhiman/tests/uprobe-test
_stp_tf_mmap_cb:51: mmap_cb: tsk 27237:27237 path
/home/gdhiman/tests/uprobe-test, addr 0x00600000, length 0x00002000,
offset 0x0, flags 0x8101873
__stp_call_mmap_callbacks:599: pid 27237, a/l/o/p/path 0x7faadb80e000
0x20000  0x0  r-xp  /lib/
_stp_tf_mmap_cb:51: mmap_cb: tsk 27237:27237 path /lib/, addr
0x7faadb80e000, length 0x00020000, offset 0x0, flags 0x8000875
_stp_tf_mmap_cb:92: registered '' for 27237 (res:0)
__stp_call_mmap_callbacks:599: pid 27237, a/l/o/p/path 0x7faadba2d000
0x2000  0x1f000  rw-p  /lib/
_stp_tf_mmap_cb:51: mmap_cb: tsk 27237:27237 path /lib/, addr
0x7faadba2d000, length 0x00002000, offset 0x1f000, flags 0x8100873
__stp_utrace_task_finder_target_syscall_exit:1423: tsk 27237 found
mmap(0x0), returned 0x7faadba2c000
__stp_utrace_task_finder_target_syscall_exit:1423: tsk 27237 found
mmap(0x0), returned 0x7faadba2a000
__stp_utrace_task_finder_target_syscall_exit:1423: tsk 27237 found
mmap(0x0), returned 0x7faadba25000
__stp_call_mmap_callbacks:599: pid 27237, a/l/o/p/path 0x7faadba25000
0x5000  0x0  r--p  /etc/
_stp_tf_mmap_cb:51: mmap_cb: tsk 27237:27237 path /etc/,
addr 0x7faadba25000, length 0x00005000, offset 0x0, flags 0x8000071
__stp_utrace_task_finder_target_syscall_exit:1423: tsk 27237 found
mmap(0x0), returned 0x7faadb49c000
__stp_call_mmap_callbacks:599: pid 27237, a/l/o/p/path 0x7faadb49c000
0x372000  0x0  r-xp  /lib/
_stp_tf_mmap_cb:51: mmap_cb: tsk 27237:27237 path /lib/,
addr 0x7faadb49c000, length 0x00372000, offset 0x0, flags 0x8000075
_stp_tf_mmap_cb:92: registered '' for 27237 (res:0)
__stp_utrace_task_finder_target_syscall_exit:1423: tsk 27237 found
mmap(0x0), returned 0x7faadb804000
__stp_call_mmap_callbacks:599: pid 27237, a/l/o/p/path 0x7faadb804000
0x5000  0x168000  rw-p  /lib/
_stp_tf_mmap_cb:51: mmap_cb: tsk 27237:27237 path /lib/,
addr 0x7faadb804000, length 0x00005000, offset 0x168000, flags
__stp_utrace_task_finder_target_syscall_exit:1423: tsk 27237 found
mmap(0x0), returned 0x7faadb809000
__stp_utrace_task_finder_target_syscall_exit:1423: tsk 27237 found
mmap(0x0), returned 0x7faadba24000
__stp_utrace_task_finder_target_syscall_exit:1423: tsk 27237 found
mmap(0x0), returned 0x7faadba23000
__stp_utrace_task_finder_target_syscall_exit:1423: tsk 27237 found
munmap(0x7faadba25000), returned 0x0
test_func called!
stap_uprobe_process_found:246: -proc pid 27237 stf ffffffffa001dce0
ffffffffa001dce0 path /home/gdhiman/tests/uprobe-test
stap_uprobe_change_minus:220: -uprobe spec 0 idx 0 process
uprobe-test[27237] reloc 0000000000400517 pp
_stp_tf_exec_cb:29: tsk 27237:27237 , register_p: 0, process_p: 1

> I meant the uprobe-test binary, just to see what instructions were
> in the vicinity of the test_func function. ?Just that area.

Here it is:

000000000040050c <test_func>:
  40050c:       55                      push   %rbp
  40050d:       48 89 e5                mov    %rsp,%rbp
  400510:       48 83 ec 10             sub    $0x10,%rsp
  400514:       89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%rbp)
  400517:       8b 75 fc                mov    -0x4(%rbp),%esi
  40051a:       bf 3c 06 40 00          mov    $0x40063c,%edi
  40051f:       b8 00 00 00 00          mov    $0x0,%eax
  400524:       e8 cf fe ff ff          callq  4003f8 <printf@plt>
  400529:       8b 45 fc                mov    -0x4(%rbp),%eax
  40052c:       c9                      leaveq
  40052d:       c3                      retq

000000000040052e <main>:
  40052e:       55                      push   %rbp
  40052f:       48 89 e5                mov    %rsp,%rbp
  400532:       48 83 ec 10             sub    $0x10,%rsp
  400536:       bf 05 00 00 00          mov    $0x5,%edi
  40053b:       e8 cc ff ff ff          callq  40050c <test_func>
  400540:       89 45 fc                mov    %eax,-0x4(%rbp)
  400543:       b8 00 00 00 00          mov    $0x0,%eax
  400548:       c9                      leaveq
  400549:       c3                      retq
  40054a:       90                      nop
  40054b:       90                      nop
  40054c:       90                      nop
  40054d:       90                      nop
  40054e:       90                      nop
  40054f:       90                      nop


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