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Script to look at postgresql lock contention

Hi All,

I have been playing around with a locally built version of postsql with the
systemtap markers available. Today I was working on a demo to show how
sysetemtap could be used to look at postgres lock contention. The tracks the
time that a process is waiting for a lock and the number of times that it fails
to grab a lock. The script prints out the top 5 lock/pid contentions for regular
locks and lightweight locks. It also prints out the top 5 loc/pid combinations
that failed to obtain a lock when trying. The output looks like:

    lock   pid contend(us)      count        avg
   0x4ec 26978        882          1        882
   0x4e1 27006      14976          1      14976

light weight locks
    lock   pid contend(us)      count        avg
     0x8 27011     198222        130       1524
     0x8 27029     171348        130       1318
     0x8 26971     244168         98       2491
     0x8 26969     194154         87       2231
     0x8 27017     126004         65       1938

fail lock tries
    lock   pid      count
     0x7 26811         12
     0x7 27019         11
     0x7 26819          7
     0x7 26809          7
     0x7 27017          7

Any feedback on this example code would be appreciated.

global lock, lwlock, tlock, tlwlock, flock

probe process("/usr/bin/postgres").mark("lock__startwait")
  lock[$arg1] = gettimeofday_us()

probe process("/usr/bin/postgres").mark("lock__endwait")
  t = gettimeofday_us()
  if ( $arg1 in lock) {
    tlock[$arg1, pid()] <<< t - lock[$arg1]
    delete lock[$arg1]

probe process("/usr/bin/postgres").mark("lwlock__startwait")
  lwlock[$arg1] = gettimeofday_us()

probe process("/usr/bin/postgres").mark("lwlock__endwait")
   t = gettimeofday_us()
   if ( $arg1 in lwlock) {
     tlwlock[$arg1,pid()] <<< t - lwlock[$arg1]
     delete lwlock[$arg1]

probe process("/usr/bin/postgres").mark("lwlock__condacquire__fail")
  flock[$arg1,pid()] <<< 1

function print_data ()
  printf("%8s %5s %10s %10s %10s\n",
  	     "lock", "pid", "contend(us)", "count", "avg")
  foreach ([q,p] in tlock- limit 5)
  	  printf("%#8x %5d %10d %10d %10d\n", q, p, @sum(tlock[q,p]),
	  	@count(tlock[q,p]), @avg(tlock[q,p]))

  printf("\n\nlight weight locks\n")
  printf("%8s %5s %10s %10s %10s\n",
  	     "lock", "pid", "contend(us)", "count", "avg")
  foreach ([q,p] in tlwlock- limit 5)
  	  printf("%#8x %5d %10d %10d %10d\n", q, p, @sum(tlwlock[q,p]),
	  	@count(tlwlock[q,p]),  @avg(tlwlock[q,p]))

  printf("\n\nfail lock tries\n")
  printf("%8s %5s %10s\n", "lock", "pid", "count")
  foreach ([q,p] in flock- limit 5)
  	  printf("%#8x %5d %10d\n", q, p, @sum(flock[q,p]))

probe end { print_data() }

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