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Re: static probes

Frank Ch. Eigler wrote:

To place a probe on such a marker, the CVS systemtap now understands
probe kernel.mark("name") { ... }
or probe module("m").mark("name") { ... }
Wildcards in the names are supported as usual. For these probes,
systemtap does NOT require/use debugging information, so we're not
at the mercy of gcc.

Sounds interesting. Would it be possible for SystemTap to check for the availability of a static probe before reverting to kprobing a kernel function? The reason I ask is that for LKET, fast static probe that can be inserted anywhere would be useful for our trace hooks, but if the kernel lack a particular static probe but the same probe can dynamically iinserted, then we can use the alternative dynamic probe with out requiring changes to the LKET code to handle both scenarios.


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