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[SCRIPT] NUMA page fault accounting.

Hi folks,

My teams has had the need to do analysis of page faults that happen on a per NUMA node basis and I've come up with this simple SystemTap script that does this for me. I only have access to a PPC64 NUMA box but I took care to use generic arch independed NUMA code and I think it should work for any kernel that has NUMA enable. Here a short output of running the stream benchmark with a 4.5GB array on a 8GB system.

Starting pagefault counters
Printing counters:
Execname PID Read Faults Write Faults
==================== ======== =========== ============
stream 22786 33 668186 Node[0]=521176 Node[1]=147043 stpd 22803 1 3 Node[0]=3 Node[1]=1

and the script:

#! stap -g

global execnames, page_faults, node_faults

function addr_to_node:long(addr:long)
int nid;
int pfn = __pa(THIS->addr) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
if ( node_start_pfn(nid) <= pfn &&
pfn < (node_start_pfn(nid) +
NODE_DATA(nid)->node_spanned_pages) )
THIS->__retvalue = nid; break;


probe kernel.function("__handle_mm_fault") {
       execnames[pid()] = execname()
       page_faults [pid(), $write_access ? 1 : 0] ++
       node_faults [pid(), addr_to_node($address)] ++


function print_pf () {
print (" Execname\t PID\tRead Faults\tWrite Faults\n")
print ("====================\t========\t===========\t============\n")
foreach (pid in execnames) {
printf ("%20s\t%8d\t%11d\t%12d\t", execnames[pid], pid,
page_faults[pid,0], page_faults[pid,1])

               foreach ([pid2,node+] in node_faults) {
                       if (pid2 == pid)
                               printf ("Node[%d]=%d\t", node,
                                       node_faults[pid2, node])
               print ("\n")


probe begin {
 print ("Starting pagefault counters \n")

probe end {
 print ("Printing counters: \n")
 print_pf ()
 print ("Done\n")

Comments welcome - Enjoy


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