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Re: fail to run voice pager demo

On Sunday 29 August 2004 02:51 pm, Jon Ringle wrote:
> Hello,
> I just discovered the sid project and it looks very interesting and want
> to learn more about it. I built and installed sid using:
> ./configure
> make
> sudo make install
> Then added /usr/local/lib/sidcomp to my /etc/ and ran
> ldconfig
> I then built the demo voice-pager and when I try to run it I get the
> following. Does the demo work? Or is there something I missed?

Ok, I used strace -f ./voice-pager-demo to figure out that sid is looking for and other libs in many places including /lib/sidcomp/, but I have 
sidcomp located at /usr/local/lib/sidcomp/. I don't know why sid isn't 
looking where I installed... hmm. Anyway, I got around this problem with:
$ cd /lib
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/sidcomp

Now when I run the voice-pager-demo I get the following:
$ ./voice-pager-demo
+ arm-elf-sid --no-run --sidcodec=0xA01300 
Configuration file saved to `Test-voice-pager.out.conf'.
+ sid -f 
-f voice-pager-demo.conf -f ./voice-pager-demo.conf.pport
voice-pager-demo.conf:9: component type bridge-tk unknown
voice-pager-demo.conf:10: component panel not found
voice-pager-demo.conf:11: component panel not found
voice-pager-demo.conf:12: component panel not found
voice-pager-demo.conf:18: component panel not found
voice-pager-demo.conf:19: component panel not found
voice-pager-demo.conf:20: component panel not found
voice-pager-demo.conf:21: component panel not found
voice-pager-demo.conf:31: component panel not found
voice-pager-demo.conf:32: component panel not found
Configuration error.  Aborting.

> Thanks,
> Jon

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