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Re: how to get started?


> I heard about SID and I think it is cool. 

Thanks!  (And thanks for your interest).

> I checked out the source code, did "make" and "make
> install".  Everything looked fine.  I got a directory
> which contains bin/, include/, info/, lib/, man/, and
> share/.  In bin/, I found files such as sid and
> configrun-sid.  Then, I am lost.

configrun-sid is not run directly (although it can be).  There are two 
ways to run sid:

	sid <conf-file>

(as you have done with i386-gdb.conf).

or via a front-end script which generates a customised configuration file 
based on the options you pass to the script on the command line.  For 
example, see arm-elf-sid --help.

> Finally, I tried "sid i386-gdb.conf" and it seemed hanging.

It's not hanging; it is blocked waiting for a connection from GDB.

Cheers, Ben

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