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bouncycastle JCE

Taking a break from Tomcat, I checked in build infrastructre for the Bouncy
Castle JCE implementation.  The directory doesn't contain any of the source
code -- you'll have to download that yourself.  See the README in that
directory.  You'll also have to configure with --enable-bouncycastle.  And,
finally, you'll need my I posted to java-patches but haven't
checked in yet :-)

"make check" builds the regressions tests. Not all of them  pass.  They
probably reflect bugs in our compiler or runtime.

Also, Alex, if you look at the Makefile - I've special cased two "gcj -C"
builds because the compiler goes into a seemingly endless loop.

FYI, I'm going away for a couple of weeks and won't have easy access to email.



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