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Re: postgresql 7.3

Hi Jonathan,

We will be providing a PostgreSQL - Red Hat Edition iso towards the
end of April.  However, it will contain pristine PostgreSQL 7.3.x
community binaries/source. You may want to download the current rpms
from Red Hat which are already at this level.


Jonathan Sand wrote:
can you give me an approximate timeframe for redhat's release of rhdb based on postgresql 7.3?

my problem is that I'm using redhat bugzilla 2.15 with a database created with bugzilla based on mysql. I've managed to transfer the data out of mysql and into postgres (no small feat), and bugzilla runs, but it has a few bugs. I've, since then, downloaded redhat bugzilla 2.17, only to discover that the schema expected in this version are quite different. among the many changes, one of them can't be performed by rhdb 2.1 (postgresql 7.2.3).

specifically: several of the tables contain essentially identical data (eg, products.value and bugs.product) with data type varchar. this being inefficient as a primary key and foreign key, these column definitions are being replaced by integer primary keys and integer references, respectively. postgres 7.3 allows the following sql:

alter table products add id int;
... set new unique values in this new id column ....
alter table products alter id set not null;
alter table products add primary key(id);

postgresql 7.2.3 doesn't allow that the "set not null" column constraint be applied in an "alter" statement and the "add primary key" can only be applied to columns which are designated as "not null." a neat and frustrating shutout.

I suppose I could dump the database and reconstruct the schema correctly, but I'd then have to seriously modify the redhat bugzilla setup code. moral of this story? the bleeding edge is not for whimps.

sand at gizmolab dot com

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