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Snapshot 1999-08-12 available

Hi all,

I've just finished uploading snapshot 1999-08-12 to the usual place:

The announcement is at:

Patches and changes from Peter Slacik, Lorin Hochstein, and John
Bossom have been applied.

John, the behaviour of pthread_exit() is to raise an exception as
you suggested which is caught by _pthread_threadStart(). However, if
the thread was created implicitly pthread_exit just does what it
used to do, ie. cleanup and end the thread itself. Pthread_exit
calls pthread_self() which (for those not familiar with John's
implementation) will create a POSIX thread handle for any thread
that does not yet have one, ie. was not created by pthread_create(),
eg. any WIN32 thread, primary thread, etc. This allows those threads
to be managed by the pthreads routines. Any such POSIX thread handle
is tagged as "implicit".


| Ross Johnson         |   | E-Mail:
| Info Sciences and Eng|___|
| University of Canberra   | FAX:    +61 6 2015227
| PO Box 1                 |
| Belconnen  ACT    2616   | WWW:
| AUSTRALIA                |

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