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Freeing std streams when using _REENT_SMALL


The stdin, stdout and stderr streams are created in __sinit. In the case of _REENT_SMALL, they are not entered into the __sglue list:

#ifndef _REENT_SMALL
  s->__sglue._niobs = 3;
  s->__sglue._iobs = &s->__sf[0];
  s->__sglue._niobs = 0;
  s->__sglue._iobs = NULL;
  s->_stdin = __sfp(s);
  s->_stdout = __sfp(s);
  s->_stderr = __sfp(s);

Because the std streams are not in __sglue, the __cleanup function will not call fclose on them. The following patch fixes this by calling fclose on the streams manually. That may not be the best way to fix it so any other suggestions are welcome.

 Hans-Erik Floryd

diff -Naur newlib-1.17.0/newlib/libc/reent/reent.c newlib-1.17.0-mod/newlib/libc/reent/reent.c
--- newlib-1.17.0/newlib/libc/reent/reent.c 2006-10-11 10:04:50.000000000 +0200
+++ newlib-1.17.0-mod/newlib/libc/reent/reent.c 2009-03-27 11:23:27.000000000 +0100
@@ -143,5 +143,14 @@
if (ptr->__cleanup)
(*ptr->__cleanup) (ptr);
+#ifdef _REENT_SMALL
+ if (ptr->__sdidinit)
+ {
+ _fclose_r (ptr, ptr->_stdin);
+ _fclose_r (ptr, ptr->_stdout);
+ _fclose_r (ptr, ptr->_stderr);
+ }

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