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Re: Building newlib without -mhard-float

Er, I meant

$ TARGET_CLFAGS="-march=armv5te -mcpu=xscale" make

On Sep 4, 2007, at 5:09 PM, Jeff Johnston wrote:

Rick Mann wrote:
On Sep 4, 2007, at 11:22 AM, Jeff Johnston wrote:
2. Disable multilib and manually build a library you want.  In this
   particular case, you should use TARGET_CFLAGS to append whatever
   compiler options you want to the default options used to build
   newlib.  You disable multilib by adding --disable-multilib to
Did you mean CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET instead of TARGET_CFLAGS?

I meant TARGET_CFLAGS. This is used in all low-level newlib directories (take a look at libc/string/ This will add your options without messing with defaulted and configured options (e.g. -g -O2 is defaulted and you want to add -march=mycpu).

Oh, okay. The reason I asked is that after I ran configure, I looked in the top-level makefile for TARGET_CFLAGS and couldn't find it. Should I just do it like this?

TARGET_CLFAGS="-march=armv5te -mcpu=xscale"

Which brings up another question I've had before: should I just use - mcpu=xscale, or just -march=armv5te, or both? At one point, I got errors in something when I used both, saying that they were in conflict (IIRC--strikes me as incorrect).


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