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Re: Reducing the size of C++ executables - eliminating malloc

Mark Mitchell wrote:
Generating __gxx_personality_v0 is suppressed with the -fno-exceptions
flag, but it would seem better if this symbol were only generated
when catch/throw was used.  This happens in cxx_init_decl_processing(),
which is called before it's known whether or not EH is really needed.

I believe that you need the personality routine if you will be unwinding through a function, which is why -fno-exceptions is the test.

You mean unwinding stack frames to handle a thrown exception?

That's true, but shouldn't this only be included when there
exceptions are used?  One of the C++ percepts is that there
is no overhead for features which are not used.

Why should the personality routine be included in all C++ programs?

Michael Eager
1960 Park Blvd., Palo Alto, CA 94306  650-325-8077

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