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Re: [RFA]: Adding sysconf values to libc/include/sys/unistd.h


Attached is a replacement for the file sys/unistd.h in
newlib 1.8.2 that AFAIK adds every _SC constant defined
in POSIX 1003.1b and the last draft 1003.1c I saw.  

I must admit to not compiling this.  The only real difference
between the RTEMS unistd.h and the newlib one were the
missing _SC defines in newlib's version.  They were in 
alphabetical order in RTEMS and numbered accordingly.  I
kept the numeric values for the ones already in newlib
and renumbered the remaining ones.

RTEMS would not require its own unistd.h with these modifications.

I looked some at the files in newlib/libc/sys/rtems and mostly they
reflect the addition of pthreads to the corresponding newlib files.  
Any ideas on how to merge them into the mainstream?

Christopher Faylor wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 25, 2000 at 10:06:32AM -0500, Joel Sherrill wrote:
> >> Not if it breaks backwards compatibility, IMO.
> >
> >RTEMS has no backward compatability issues on the values of the
> >constants.  Make them what they have to be and RTEMS will
> >deal with the change.
> >
> >I repeat -- RTEMS tries to be standard -- we do not want to
> >have special configurations or deviate.  If the constants
> >are all there, we don't care what the values are.  We just
> >want them defined coherently and efficiently. :)
> >
> >So if changing the numbers makes them compatable with Cygwin
> >or Solaris or whatever, change them.  If they are defined,
> >we would prefer to use them from libc/include.
> I was referring to backwards compatibility with anything that
> is using the constants.  Cygwin is one thing.  I don't know
> if anything else is using them.
> The best way to handle this is for you to submit a patch.  That
> should make it clear what is changing and what is not.
> cgf

Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research & Development                 On-Line Applications Research
Ask me about RTEMS: a free RTOS  Huntsville AL 35805
Support Available                (256) 722-9985
#ifndef _SYS_UNISTD_H
#define _SYS_UNISTD_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include <_ansi.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#define __need_size_t
#include <stddef.h>

extern char **environ;

void	_EXFUN(_exit, (int __status ) _ATTRIBUTE ((noreturn)));

int	_EXFUN(access,(const char *__path, int __amode ));
unsigned  _EXFUN(alarm, (unsigned __secs ));
int     _EXFUN(chdir, (const char *__path ));
int     _EXFUN(chmod, (const char *__path, mode_t __mode ));
int     _EXFUN(chown, (const char *__path, uid_t __owner, gid_t __group ));
int     _EXFUN(close, (int __fildes ));
char    _EXFUN(*ctermid, (char *__s ));
char    _EXFUN(*cuserid, (char *__s ));
int     _EXFUN(dup, (int __fildes ));
int     _EXFUN(dup2, (int __fildes, int __fildes2 ));
int     _EXFUN(execl, (const char *__path, const char *, ... ));
int     _EXFUN(execle, (const char *__path, const char *, ... ));
int     _EXFUN(execlp, (const char *__file, const char *, ... ));
int     _EXFUN(execv, (const char *__path, char * const __argv[] ));
int     _EXFUN(execve, (const char *__path, char * const __argv[], char * const __envp[] ));
int     _EXFUN(execvp, (const char *__file, char * const __argv[] ));
pid_t   _EXFUN(fork, (void ));
long    _EXFUN(fpathconf, (int __fd, int __name ));
int     _EXFUN(fsync, (int __fd));
char    _EXFUN(*getcwd, (char *__buf, size_t __size ));
gid_t   _EXFUN(getegid, (void ));
uid_t   _EXFUN(geteuid, (void ));
gid_t   _EXFUN(getgid, (void ));
int     _EXFUN(getgroups, (int __gidsetsize, gid_t __grouplist[] ));
char    _EXFUN(*getlogin, (void ));
char 	_EXFUN(*getpass, (__const char *__prompt));
size_t  _EXFUN(getpagesize, (void));
pid_t   _EXFUN(getpgrp, (void ));
pid_t   _EXFUN(getpid, (void ));
pid_t   _EXFUN(getppid, (void ));
uid_t   _EXFUN(getuid, (void ));
int     _EXFUN(isatty, (int __fildes ));
int     _EXFUN(link, (const char *__path1, const char *__path2 ));
int	_EXFUN(nice, (int __nice_value ));
off_t   _EXFUN(lseek, (int __fildes, off_t __offset, int __whence ));
long    _EXFUN(pathconf, (const char *__path, int __name ));
int     _EXFUN(pause, (void ));
int     _EXFUN(pipe, (int __fildes[2] ));
int     _EXFUN(read, (int __fildes, void *__buf, size_t __nbyte ));
int     _EXFUN(rmdir, (const char *__path ));
void *  _EXFUN(sbrk,  (size_t __incr));
int     _EXFUN(setgid, (gid_t __gid ));
int     _EXFUN(setpgid, (pid_t __pid, pid_t __pgid ));
pid_t   _EXFUN(setsid, (void ));
int     _EXFUN(setuid, (uid_t __uid ));
unsigned _EXFUN(sleep, (unsigned int __seconds ));
void    _EXFUN(swab, (const void *, void *, ssize_t));
long    _EXFUN(sysconf, (int __name ));
pid_t   _EXFUN(tcgetpgrp, (int __fildes ));
int     _EXFUN(tcsetpgrp, (int __fildes, pid_t __pgrp_id ));
char    _EXFUN(*ttyname, (int __fildes ));
int     _EXFUN(unlink, (const char *__path ));
int     _EXFUN(write, (int __fildes, const void *__buf, size_t __nbyte ));

/* Provide prototypes for most of the _<systemcall> names that are
   provided in newlib for some compilers.  */
int     _EXFUN(_close, (int __fildes ));
pid_t   _EXFUN(_fork, (void ));
pid_t   _EXFUN(_getpid, (void ));
int     _EXFUN(_link, (const char *__path1, const char *__path2 ));
off_t   _EXFUN(_lseek, (int __fildes, off_t __offset, int __whence ));
int     _EXFUN(_read, (int __fildes, void *__buf, size_t __nbyte ));
void *  _EXFUN(_sbrk,  (size_t __incr));
int     _EXFUN(_unlink, (const char *__path ));
int     _EXFUN(_write, (int __fildes, const void *__buf, size_t __nbyte ));

#if defined(__CYGWIN32__) || defined(__rtems__)
unsigned _EXFUN(usleep, (unsigned int __useconds));
int     _EXFUN(ftruncate, (int __fd, off_t __length));
int     _EXFUN(truncate, (const char *, off_t __length));
int	_EXFUN(gethostname, (char *__name, size_t __len));
char *	_EXFUN(mktemp, (char *));
int     _EXFUN(sync, (void));
int     _EXFUN(readlink, (const char *__path, char *__buf, int __buflen));
int     _EXFUN(symlink, (const char *__name1, const char *__name2));

# define	F_OK	0
# define	R_OK	4
# define	W_OK	2
# define	X_OK	1

# define	SEEK_SET	0
# define	SEEK_CUR	1
# define	SEEK_END	2

 *  RTEMS adheres to a later version of POSIX -- 1003.1b.
 *  XXX this version string should change.

#ifdef __rtems__
# define _POSIX_JOB_CONTROL     1
# define _POSIX_SAVED_IDS       1
# define _POSIX_VERSION 199009L
#ifdef __svr4__
# define _POSIX_JOB_CONTROL     1
# define _POSIX_SAVED_IDS       1
# define _POSIX_VERSION 199009L

#ifdef __CYGWIN32__
# define _POSIX_SAVED_IDS	0
# define _POSIX_VERSION		199009L

#define STDIN_FILENO    0       /* standard input file descriptor */
#define STDOUT_FILENO   1       /* standard output file descriptor */
#define STDERR_FILENO   2       /* standard error file descriptor */

long _EXFUN(sysconf, (int __name));

 *  4.8.1 Get Configurable System Variables, P1003.1b-1993, p. 96
 *  NOTE: Table 4-2, Configurable System Variables, p. 96

#define _SC_ARG_MAX                 0
#define _SC_CHILD_MAX               1
#define _SC_CLK_TCK                 2
#define _SC_NGROUPS_MAX             3
#define _SC_OPEN_MAX                4
/* no _SC_STREAM_MAX */
#define _SC_JOB_CONTROL             5
#define _SC_SAVED_IDS               6
#define _SC_VERSION                 7
#define _SC_PAGESIZE                8
#define _SC_AIO_LISTIO_MAX          9
#define _SC_AIO_MAX                10
#define _SC_AIO_PRIO_DELTA_MAX     11
#define _SC_DELAYTIMER_MAX         12
#define _SC_MQ_OPEN_MAX            13
#define _SC_MQ_PRIO_MAX            14
#define _SC_RTSIG_MAX              15
#define _SC_SEM_NSEMS_MAX          16
#define _SC_SEM_VALUE_MAX          17
#define _SC_SIGQUEUE_MAX           18
#define _SC_TIMER_MAX              19
#define _SC_TZNAME_MAX             20

#define _SC_ASYNCHRONOUS_IO        21
#define _SC_FSYNC                  22
#define _SC_MAPPED_FILES           23
#define _SC_MEMLOCK                24
#define _SC_MEMLOCK_RANGE          25
#define _SC_MEMORY_PROTECTION      26
#define _SC_MESSAGE_PASSING        27
#define _SC_PRIORITIZED_IO         28
#define _SC_REALTIME_SIGNALS       29
#define _SC_SEMAPHORES             30
#define _SC_SYNCHRONIZED_IO        32
#define _SC_TIMERS                 33

 *  P1003.1c/D10, p. 52 adds the following.

#define _SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX             34
#define _SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX             35
#define _SC_LOGIN_NAME_MAX               36
#define _SC_THREAD_KEYS_MAX              38
#define _SC_THREAD_STACK_MIN             39
#define _SC_THREAD_THREADS_MAX           40
#define _SC_TTY_NAME_MAX                 41

#define _SC_THREADS                      42
#define _SC_THREAD_ATTR_STACKADDR        43
#define _SC_THREAD_ATTR_STACKSIZE        44
#define _SC_THREAD_PRIO_INHERIT          46
#define _SC_THREAD_PRIO_PROTECT          47
#define _SC_THREAD_PRIO_PROTECT          48
#define _SC_THREAD_PROCESS_SHARED        49
#define _SC_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS        50

# define	_PC_LINK_MAX	0
# define	_PC_MAX_CANON	1
# define	_PC_MAX_INPUT	2
# define	_PC_NAME_MAX	3
# define	_PC_PATH_MAX	4
# define	_PC_PIPE_BUF	5
# define	_PC_NO_TRUNC	7
# define	_PC_VDISABLE	8
# define	_PC_ASYNC_IO    9
# define	_PC_PRIO_IO     10
# define	_PC_SYNC_IO     11

# ifndef	_POSIX_SOURCE
#  define	MAXNAMLEN	1024
# endif		/* _POSIX_SOURCE */

/* FIXME: This is temporary until winsup gets sorted out.  */
#ifdef __CYGWIN32__
#define MAXPATHLEN (260 - 1 /* NUL */)
# define	MAXPATHLEN	1024

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _SYS_UNISTD_H */

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