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RFC: remove old harness


This patch removes the old harness and makes the new one the default. It also makes:

./configure --with-vm=/path/to/vm
make check

work. I wanted some comments before making this change. It reports test results differently -- each test is a pass/fail rather than each check -- so we'll also need to update our nightly scripts.

The new harness is better than the old one in every way, in my opinion, so I see no reason in keeping the old one around.

What do people think?

Index: .cvsignore
RCS file: /cvs/mauve/mauve/.cvsignore,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 .cvsignore
--- .cvsignore	24 Apr 2006 19:42:02 -0000	1.8
+++ .cvsignore	7 Jun 2006 14:30:34 -0000
@@ -21,5 +21,3 @@
RCS file: /cvs/mauve/mauve/,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8
---	31 May 2006 17:21:42 -0000	1.8
+++	7 Jun 2006 14:30:35 -0000
@@ -60,10 +60,6 @@
   // bootclasspath, which should be the classpath installation directory
   private static String compileStringBase = "-proceedOnError -nowarn";
-  // The writers for ecj's out and err streams.
-  private static PrintWriter ecjWriterOut = null;
-  private static PrintWriter ecjWriterErr = null;
   // The constructor for the embedded ecj
   private static Constructor ecjConstructor = null;
@@ -95,9 +91,6 @@
   // Whether we should compile tests before running them
   private static boolean compileTests = true;
-  // Whether we should display information for failing compilations
-  private static boolean showCompilationErrors = true;
   // The total number of tests run
   private static int total_tests = 0;
@@ -247,8 +240,6 @@
             else if (args[i].equals("no") || args[i].equals("false"))
               compileTests = false;
-        else if (args[i].equals("-hidecompilefails"))
-          showCompilationErrors = false;
         else if (args[i].equals("-help") || args[i].equals("--help")
                  || args[i].equals("-h"))
@@ -388,25 +379,10 @@
       ("compile", new Class[] 
           { String.class, PrintWriter.class, PrintWriter.class });    
-    ecjWriterOut = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(".ecjOut"));
-    ecjWriterErr = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(".ecjErr"));        
     // Set up the compiler options now that we know whether or not we are
     // compiling, and print a header to the compiler error file.
     compileStringBase += getClasspathInstallString();
-    ecjWriterErr.println("This file lists the compiler errors.\n" +
-                         "Weird things will happen if the compiler's " +
-                         "bootclasspath isn't properly set.\nIf the errors" +
-                         " listed here seem odd, like:\n\n" +
-                         "    'The type java.lang.Object cannot be resolved." +
-                         " It is indirectly\n    referenced from required " +
-                         ".class files,'\n\nthen try setting the " +
-                         "bootclasspath by using the\n" +
-                         "--with-bootclasspath=CPINSTALLDIR option " +
-                         "in configure.");
-    ecjWriterErr.println("\nThe compiler command used was: \n    " +
-                         compileStringBase + "\n");
@@ -1002,107 +978,6 @@
         result = - 1;
-    if (result != 0)
-      {
-        // The compilation was not successful. Since the -nowarn option was
-        // used to compile the tests and output was sent to the ".ecjErr"
-        // file, we can parse that file, exclude the tests that did not 
-        // compile properly, and print out the errors to the user if they
-        // asked to see them.
-        try
-        {
-          BufferedReader errReader = 
-            new BufferedReader(new FileReader(".ecjErr"));
-          String lastFailingTest = null;
-          String temp;
-          String prev = null;
-          int loc;
-          // Go to the part in the file that relates to this folder 
-          // specifically.
-          temp = errReader.readLine();
-          int len = folderName.length();
-          int index;
-          while (temp != null)
-            {
-              index = temp.indexOf(folderName);
-              if (index != -1 && 
-                  (temp.lastIndexOf((int)File.separatorChar) == len + index))
-                break;
-              temp = errReader.readLine();
-            }            
-          // If temp is null, we didn't find it.  Otherwise, look for each
-          // individual failing compilation, count it as a fail, exclude it
-          // from the test run, and print out the info.
-          while (temp != null)
-            {
-              // If we've reached a part of the file that pertains to another
-              // folder then break out of the loop.
-              if (temp.indexOf("gnu" + File.separatorChar + "testlet") != - 1
-                  && temp.indexOf(folderName) == - 1)
-                break;
-              // Look for test names for failing tests, so we can exclude
-              // them from the run.  
-              loc = temp.indexOf("gnu" + File.separatorChar + "testlet");
-              if (loc != - 1)
-                {
-                  compileFailsInFolder++;
-                  String name = temp.substring(loc);                  
-                  if (!name.equals(prev))
-                    {
-                      String shortName = 
-                        stripPrefix(name).replace(File.separatorChar, '.');
-                      if (shortName.endsWith(".java"))
-                        shortName = 
-                          shortName.substring(0, shortName.length() - 5);
-                      if (verbose && lastFailingTest != null)
-                        System.out.println
-                        ("TEST FAILED: compilation failed " + lastFailingTest);
-                      lastFailingTest = shortName;
-                      if (verbose)
-                        System.out.println
-                        ("TEST: " + shortName + "\n  FAIL: " +
-                                "compilation failed.");
-                      else
-                        System.out.println("FAIL: " + shortName
-                                           + ": compilation failed");
-                      if (!showCompilationErrors)
-                        System.out.println
-                        ("  Read .ecjErr for details or don't run with" +
-                        " -hidecompilefails");
-                      // When a test fails to compile, we count it as failing
-                      // but we do not run it.                      
-                      total_test_fails++;
-                      total_tests++;
-                      excludeTests.add(name);
-                    }
-                  prev = name;
-                }
-              // Unless -hidecompilefails was used, print out the info. Do not
-              // print the compiler summer (e.g. '3 problems (3 errors)').
-              if (showCompilationErrors && 
-                  temp.indexOf(problemsString(compileFailsInFolder)) == -1)
-                System.out.println("  " + temp);
-              // Read the next line in the file.
-              temp = errReader.readLine();
-            }
-          if (verbose && lastFailingTest != null)
-            System.out.println
-              ("TEST FAILED: compilation failed " + lastFailingTest);
-        }
-        catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe)
-        {
-        }
-        catch (IOException ioe)
-        {          
-        }
-      }
     return result == 0;
@@ -1166,7 +1041,8 @@
       new PrintWriter (System.err),
     return ((Boolean) ecjMethod.invoke (ecjInstance, new Object[] {
-        compileString, ecjWriterOut, ecjWriterErr})).booleanValue() ? 0 : -1;
+            compileString, new PrintWriter(System.out),
+            new PrintWriter(System.err)})).booleanValue() ? 0 : -1;
   private static int compileTest(String testName)  
@@ -1186,40 +1062,9 @@
     if (result != 0)
         String shortName = stripPrefix(testName);
-        if (verbose)
-          System.out.println
-            ("TEST: " + shortName + "\n  FAIL: compilation failed.");
-        else
-          System.out.println("FAIL: " + stripPrefix(testName)
-                             + ": compilation failed");
-        if (!showCompilationErrors)
-          System.out.println
-            ("  Read .ecjErr for details or don't run with -hidecompilefails");
-        else
-          {
-            try
-            {
-              BufferedReader errReader = 
-                new BufferedReader(new FileReader(".ecjErr"));
-              String temp = errReader.readLine();
-              while(temp != null && temp.indexOf(testName) == -1)
-                temp = errReader.readLine();
-              System.out.println("  " + temp);
-              temp = errReader.readLine();
-              while (temp != null && 
-                     temp.indexOf("gnu" + File.separatorChar + "teslet") == -1)
-                {
-                  System.out.println("  " + temp);
-                  temp = errReader.readLine();
-                }
-            }
-            catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe)
-            {          
-            }
-            catch (IOException ioe)
-            {              
-            }
-          }
+        System.out.println("FAIL: " + stripPrefix(testName)
+                           + ": compilation failed");
         if (config.cpInstallDir.equals(""))
           System.out.println("  Try setting --with-bootclasspath " +
                 "when running configure.\n  See the README file for details");
RCS file: /cvs/mauve/mauve/,v
retrieving revision 1.28
diff -u -r1.28
---	24 Apr 2006 19:42:02 -0000	1.28
+++	7 Jun 2006 14:30:35 -0000
@@ -1,125 +1,22 @@
 ## Process this file with automake to produce
-## FIXME: dependencies
-AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign subdir-objects no-dependencies
+## Do not check for INSTALL, NEWS and AUTHORS files.
-check_DATA = $(STAMP)
-harness_files = \
+harness_files = \
+ \ \
 	gnu/testlet/ \
-	gnu/testlet/ gnu/testlet/ \
-	gnu/testlet/ \
-	gnu/testlet/ \
-	gnu/testlet/ \
-	gnu/testlet/ \
-	gnu/testlet/
+	gnu/testlet/
-harness: FORCE
 	$(JAVAC) $(harness_files)
 	$(JAVAC) gnu/testlet/
 all-local: harness
-## FIXME: leading space makes automake ignore this.  Bleah.
- include choices
-classes.stamp: choices $(CHOICES)  gnu/testlet/config.class
-	here=`/bin/pwd`; cd $(srcdir); \
-	  CLASSPATH=$$CLASSPATH:$$here:`/bin/pwd` $(JAVAC) $(JAVACFLAGS) -d $$here \
-	    $(harness_files) $(CHOICES)
-	touch classes.stamp
-gnu/testlet/config.class: gnu/testlet/
-	$(JAVAC) $(JAVACFLAGS) gnu/testlet/
-choices: FORCE
-	ok=no; \
-	if test -f .save-keys && test -f choices && test "`cat .save-keys`" = "$(KEYS)"; then \
-	  ok=yes; \
-	fi; \
-	here=`/bin/pwd`; \
-	if test "$$ok" = no; then \
-	  echo "$(KEYS)" > .save-keys; \
-	  cd $(srcdir) && $(SHELL) choose $$here $(KEYS); \
-	fi
-STAMP = classes.stamp
-$(javao_files): classes.stamp
-%.o: %.class classes.stamp
-	CLASSPATH=.:$(srcdir) $(GCJ) -fassume-compiled $(GCJFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
-## Eww.
-	@-$(mkinstalldirs) $(dir $@) > /dev/null 2>&1
-	CLASSPATH=.:$(srcdir) $(GCJ) -fassume-compiled $(GCJFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
-endif # CLASS_FILES
-java_files = $(harness_files) $(CHOICES)
-class_files = $(patsubst,%.class,$(java_files)) \
-	gnu/testlet/config.class
-javao_files = $(patsubst,%.o,$(CHOICES))
-check_PROGRAMS = SimpleTestHarness
-AM_GCJFLAGS = -I. -I$(srcdir)
-SimpleTestHarness_SOURCES = gnu/testlet/ $(harness_files)
-SimpleTestHarness_DEPENDENCIES = $(STAMP) $(javao_files) 
-SimpleTestHarness_LDADD = $(javao_files)
-SimpleTestHarness_LDFLAGS = --main=gnu.testlet.SimpleTestHarness
-check-local: $(check_PROGRAMS) $(CHOICES) cleanup-env
-	cat classes | GCJ="$(GCJ)" JAVA= ./SimpleTestHarness$(EXEEXT) $(TESTFLAGS)
-	test -f .save-keys || : > .save-keys
-## Always remove the test program to force a relink.
-	@rm -f SimpleTestHarness$(EXEEXT)
-	$(MAKE) KEYS="`cat .save-keys`" check
-MOSTLYCLEANFILES = $(javao_files)
-CLEANFILES = $(class_files) classes.stamp
-else  ## USE_GCJ
-STAMP = classes.stamp
-check-local: classes.stamp cleanup-env
-	cat classes | \
-	CLASSPATH=$$CLASSPATH:`/bin/pwd` JAVAC="$(JAVAC)" JAVA="$(JAVA)" $(JAVA) gnu.testlet.SimpleTestHarness $(TESTFLAGS)
-	test -f .save-keys || : > .save-keys
-	$(MAKE) KEYS="`cat .save-keys`" check
-CLEANFILES = classes.stamp
-endif ## USE_GCJ
-# Cleanup files, directories and other stuff left over from previous
-# test runs that will interfere with this one.  (Ideally a testcase
-# should do this for itself.)
-	if test -d /tmp/mauve-testdir ; then \
-	  chmod -R 777 /tmp/mauve-testdir ; \
-	  rm -rf /tmp/mauve-testdir ; \
-	fi
+	$(JAVA) Harness
-## For now can't define this conditionally.
-SUFFIXES = .class .java
+	find . -name '*.class' -print | xargs rm -f
Index: README.OldHarness
RCS file: README.OldHarness
diff -N README.OldHarness
--- README.OldHarness	5 Apr 2006 20:11:27 -0000	1.1
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-This is Mauve, a free test suite for the Java Class Libraries.
-Mauve is intended to test several different varieties of the
-libraries.  For instance, it will contain tests that are specific to a
-particular JDK version.  Tags in the test files help the test
-framework decide which tests should or should not be run against a
-given runtime.
-To build, first run configure.  You can control the configuration with
-some environment variables:
-     JAVA   Name of Java interpreter to use
-     JAVAC  Name of Java (to class) compiler to use
-     GCJ    Name of Java (to object) compiler to use
-GCJ is only used when the `--with-gcj' option is given to configure.
-The configure script also supports the following `--with' options:
-     --with-tmpdir=DIR          Put temporary files in DIR
-                                defaults to `/tmp'
-     --with-mailhost=HOSTNAME   Use mail server at HOSTNAME for socket tests 
-                                defaults to `'
-                                (Use this option if your local firewall
-                                 blocks outgoing connections on port 25.)
-Note that you will need GNU make to use this testsuite.  If your
-installation provides GNU make under a different name, such as gmake,
-replace `make' with `gmake' in the following.
-Use `make check' to run the tests.  You can set the make variable
-`KEYS' to select a subset of the tests.  KEYS is a list of keys that
-must be matched by the files to be tested.  Some values:
-     * Any key starting with `java.' is taken to be the name of a
-       class hierarchy.
-       E.g., the key `java.lang' matches only test classes in java.lang.*.
-     * Any key starting with `!java.' is used to exclude a class
-       hierarchy.
-       E.g., `!java.lang.reflect' can be used to omit all reflection
-       tests, while still including the rest of java.lang.
-     JDK1.0  Run JDK1.0 tests only
-     JDK1.1  Run JDK1.1 tests only
-     JDK1.2  Run JDK1.2 tests only
-If an otherwise unrecognized tag QUUX is seen, and the file
-`mauve-QUUX' exists in the mauve source directory, then the contents
-of this file are treated as a list of tags.  For instance, here is the
-current version of `mauve-libjava', which is used by the `libjava'
-library implementation:
-	# Config file that tells mauve about the `libjava' tag.
-	JDK1.0
-	JDK1.1
-	!java.beans
-Note that anything after a `#' on a line is treated as a comment and
-is stripped.
-File inclusion and exclusion commands are processed in order.  So, for
-instance, specifying `!java.lang java.lang.System' will omit all
-java.lang tests except for System.  Every file starts off in the
-`included' state; an explicit exclusion is needed to reject it.  (So,
-e.g., specifying just `java.lang' is insufficient to select only
-java.lang.  You must specify `!java. java.lang'.  Note the `.'!)
-If no tags are given, "JDK1.0 JDK1.1" are assumed.
-You can use `make recheck' to re-run `make check' with the key list
-you last used.
-An alternative way to compiling and running all tests is the batch_run
-script.  This makes it easy to run all test in one batch without worrying
-wheter all tests compile and/or running them crashes or hangs the runtime.
-batch_run and the runner helper script aren't integrated with the configure
-setup yet so you will have to edit them by hand to explicitly set the
-COMPILER variable in batch_run and the RUNTIME variable in runner.
-Optionally you can also change the KEYS setting in batch_run if you don't
-want to run all tests.  You can also set the variable NATIVE=true in
-batch_run when you want to use gcj (without -C) in native mode.
-When a test cannot be compiled with the given COMPILER batch_run will
-output FAIL: <testname> COMPILE FAILED and go on with the next test.
-If the runner detects a runtime crash or timeout (runner variable
-WAIT=60 seconds) it will output FAIL: <testname> CRASH or TIMEOUT.
-If you want to run a single test by hand, you can feed its name
-directly to the test harness.  Make sure to remember the `gnu.testlet'
-prefix for the test cases.  E.g.:
-  echo | \
-    java gnu.testlet.SimpleTestHarness -verbose -debug PATH-TO-SRCDIR
-The optional `-verbose' command-line argument makes the test suite a
-little noisier about what it is doing.  In particular it will print
-information about caught exceptions in this case.
-Some tests may provide even more information about failures to aid
-with debugging a particular run-time system.  These messages are enabled
-by specifying the optional command-line argument `-debug'
-If you are only interested in the results of the tests (not only which
-ones FAIL but also which ones PASS). Then you can use the '-resultsonly'
-command-line argument. This will also suppress the printing of a summary
-at the end.
-The '-exceptions' command-line argument to causes the display of full
-stack traces when a test fails due to an uncaught exception.
-You may use the environment variable TESTFLAGS to provide these
-flags to the invocation of the SimpleTestHarness in the `check' target.
-For instance,
-  make check "TESTFLAGS=-verbose -debug"
-will run the testsuite in verbose and debug mode.
-Tags in a test are specified a little differently from tags on the
-command line.
-Each tag on the command line is first mapped to a list of actual tags.
-E.g., "JDK1.2" implies all the tags "JDK1.0", "JDK1.1", and "JDK1.2".
-If any tag from the expanded list is matched by the test case, then
-the test case is chosen.
-However, if one of the tags specified on the command line appears in
-the test with a `!' prefix, then the test is rejected.
-Tags must all appear on a single line beginning "// Tags: ".
-Many files test functionality that has existed since JDK1.0.  The
-corresponding line in the source:
-    // Tags: JDK1.0
-Here is how you would tag something that first appeared in JDK1.2:
-    // Tags: JDK1.2
-Here is how you would tag something that was eliminated in JDK1.2:
-    // Tags: JDK1.0 !JDK1.2
-The idea behind this scheme is that it is undesirable to update all
-the files whenever we add a tag.  So instead most tags are defined in
-terms of primitive tags, and then we note the exceptions.
-When adding a new tag, change the `choose' program to map the
-specified tag onto the implied tags.  There is some code near the top
-that handles this transformation.
-Files should only hold tags describing their prerequisites.  In
-particular, limitations of a given library implementation should not
-be mentioned in file tags (because when the library changes, this
-would necessitate global edits).  Instead, put such limitations in a
-`mauve-QUUX' tag expansion file.
-Some test cases may require extra utility classes to run.  When the
-choose script selects a test case for running, the framework
-identifies the supporting classes through another magic comment in the
-test source.
-Support classes must all appear on a single line beginning with the
-string "// Uses: ".  The framework assumes that all utility classes
-used are found in that same package as the test case.
-Graphical tests that display windows and accept input are marked with
-the GUI tag.  GUI tests are not included in the default list of tags.
-If the GUI tag does appear in KEYS, batch_run will spawn an Xvfb
-process, set DISPLAY to that X server and run the
-graphical/interactive tests there.  By default, metacity is run in
-Xvfb; use the WM environment variable to run a different window
-manager.  If you'd rather run the tests directly on your desktop, set
-The test harness can also ignore known failures.  Simply create a
-file 'xfails' in the directory where the tests are being run which
-contains 'FAIL:' entries from previous test runs.  The order of the
-lines in the file is immaterial.  Also, the -verbose flag must be
-used.  Totals for both XFAILs and XPASSes will be output at the
-end of the run.
-In this way, implementations can track known failures and subsequent
-test runs can thus highlight regressions.
-There are still a few things to do in the test framework.
-It would be nice if we could have tests that can specify their
-expected output.  The expected output could be encoded directly in the
-test, e.g.:
-      /*{
-      expected output here
-      }*/
-The test harness would be reponsible for extracting this from the test
-source and then setting things up so that the checking is done
-correctly.  SimpleTestHarness could do this by setting System.out to
-point to some string buffer for the duration of the test.
-Change things so that the .o files can be built directly from the files without any intermediate .class files.  (Use the same
-configuration options that libjava uses.)
-Some tests probably should be run in their own environment.  This
-could be implemented using a new "group" magic comment, along with
-changes to the `choose' program to generate the list of classes in
-chunks.  Each such chunk would be fed into SimpleTestHarness in a
-separate invocation.
-It would be interesting to be able to compare test results for
-unspecified things against Sun's implementation.  This could be done
-by adding a new method to the test harness.  The `expected' argument
-would come from Sun's implementation.  Unlike `check', a failure here
-would simply be informative.
Index: README.TestletToAPI
RCS file: README.TestletToAPI
diff -N README.TestletToAPI
--- README.TestletToAPI	16 Oct 2005 17:53:20 -0000	1.1
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-TestletToAPI can be used with Mauve but is in fact independant of it.
-TestletToAPI generates 2 japi files that can be used to show the coverage 
-(in term of methods, not of lines of code) of mauve testlets.
-That's a command line tool that takes 4 parameters :
-	inTestlets.japi                  : the output of japize on mauve testlets");
-	inTested.japi                    : the output of japize on tested api (Classpath, jdk, ...)
-	outTestlets.japi, outTested.japi : 2 japi files to be used as input of japicompat
-Example of usage (in a "native" command line style) :
- TestletToAPI W:\mauve\mauve.japi W:\mauve\jdk15.japi W:\mauve\ W:\mauve\
\ No newline at end of file
Index: batch_run
RCS file: batch_run
diff -N batch_run
--- batch_run	19 Feb 2006 14:27:58 -0000	1.20
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# Written by Mark Wielaard <>
-# This file is part of Mauve.
-# Mauve is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# Mauve is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with Mauve; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# Tries to compile and run all possible tests.
-# Produces a FAIL output if compilation fails.
-# COMPILER command can be set in the script or to "none" to avoid
-# cleaning .class files and recompiling them
-# For testing (gcj) native code compilation set NATIVE to 'true', otherwise
-# don't set it.
-# Uses runner script to run each individual test.
-# Usage: run_batch > result_output
-# Run in the source directory.
-# Include every key/tag we can think of but always exclude the unicode test.
-if test "x$KEYS" = "x"; then
-KEYS="$KEYS !java.lang.Character.unicode"
-if test "x$CLASSPATHBCP" = "x"; then
-if test "x$COMPILER" = "x"; then
-#COMPILER="gcj -C -Wno-deprecated"
-COMPILER="jikes -nowarn -bootclasspath $CLASSPATHBCP"
-if test "x$COMPILER" = "xgcj"; then
-if test "x$COMPILER" = "xgcj"; then
-GCJ=gcj; export GCJ;
-# Cleanup if COMPILER != none
-if test "x$COMPILER" != "xnone"; then
-	find gnu/testlet -name "*.class" | xargs rm -f
-if test ! -z "$NATIVE"; then
-    rm -f SimpleTestHarness
-# Create Mauve Framwork
-framework_sources="gnu/testlet/ gnu/testlet/ gnu/testlet/ gnu/testlet/ gnu/testlet/ gnu/testlet/ gnu/testlet/ gnu/testlet/"
-if test -z "$NATIVE" && test "x$COMPILER" != "xnone"; then
-    $COMPILER $COMPILER_FLAGS $framework_sources
-# Generate test classes list
-./choose-classes . "$KEYS"
-case $KEYS in
-    *GUI*)
-        if test -z "$SHOW_GUI_TESTS"; then
-            XVFB=`which Xvfb`
-            if test "x$WM" = "x"; then
-                WM=`which metacity`
-	        # check if we found metacity
-                if test "x$WM" = "x"; then
-                    WM=`which true`
-                fi
-            fi
-            if test -z $XVFB; then
-		echo "warning: Xvfb not found on PATH.  Showing GUI tests on main desktop..."
-	    elif test -z $WM; then
-		echo "warning: metacity not found on PATH.  Showing GUI tests on main desktop..."
-            else
-		export DISPLAY=:57
-		echo localhost > Xvfb.cfg
-		$XVFB :57 -auth Xvfb.cfg > /dev/null 2>&1 &
-		XVFB_PID=$!
-		$WM > /dev/null 2>&1 &
-		WM_PID=$!
-		rm -f Xvfb.cfg
-	    fi
-	fi
-	;;
-# Compile and run all the tests
-for testclass in `cat test_classes`; do
-    # Get all needed java sources
-    ./uses-list . $testclass
-    # Try to compile sources
-    if test -z "$NATIVE"; then
-	if test "x$COMPILER" != "xnone"; then
-	       	$COMPILER $COMPILER_FLAGS @uses_files
-	fi
-    else
-        $COMPILER $COMPILER_FLAGS -o SimpleTestHarness --main=gnu.testlet.SimpleTestHarness \
-	          $framework_sources `cat uses_files`
-    fi
-    if test $?  = 0; then
-        ./runner $testclass 2>&1 | egrep '^(PASS|FAIL): '
-    else
-        echo "FAIL: $testclass COMPILE FAILED"
-    fi
-case $KEYS in
-    *GUI*)
-        # killing Xvfb also kills the window manager process
-        if test ! -z "$XVFB_PID"; then
-            kill $XVFB_PID > /dev/null 2>&1
-        fi
-	;;
Index: build.xml
RCS file: build.xml
diff -N build.xml
--- build.xml	1 Jul 2005 18:33:42 -0000	1.6
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!--Copyright (c) 2004 Thomas Zander <>
-    This file is part of Mauve.
-    Mauve is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-    any later version.
-    Mauve is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with Mauve; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-    the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-    Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -->
-<project name="mauve" default="test" basedir=".">
-    <!-- this loads the ant global properties -->
-    <property file="${user.home}/"/>
-    <property name="src" value="."/>
-    <property name="build" value="build"/>
-    <property name="docs" value="docs"/>
-    <!-- clean up .class and .jar files -->
-    <target name="clean" description="Clean out compiled files">
-        <!-- call clean from example-buildfile -->
-        <delete dir="${build}"/>
-        <delete file="${src}/gnu/testlet/"/>
-        <delete dir="${docs}"/>
-    </target>
-    <!-- INIT creates the required directories and files -->
-    <target name="init">
-        <tstamp/>
-        <mkdir dir="${build}"/>
-        <mkdir dir="${docs}"/>
-        <!-- if ant runs; we can be pretty sure these are correct. -->
-        <filter token="SRCDIR" value="${user.dir}"/>
-        <filter token="TMPDIR" value="${}" />
-        <filter token="CHECK_PATH_SEPARATOR" value="${path.separator}"/>
-        <filter token="CHECK_FILE_SEPARATOR" value="${file.separator}"/>
-        <copy file="${src}/gnu/testlet/"
-                tofile="${src}/gnu/testlet/"
-                verbose="true"
-                filtering="true" />
-    </target>
-    <!-- CLASSPATH -->
-    <path id="myclass.path">
-        <pathelement location="${build}" />
-    </path>
-    <!-- compiles all the sources -->
-    <target name="compile" depends="init" description="Compile all files">
-        <javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${build}"
-            includes="gnu/**/*.java"
-            excludes="gnu/testlet/BinaryCompatibility/**, gnu/testlet/gnu/**"
-            classpathref="myclass.path"
-            target="1.1"
-            source="1.2"
-            debug="on">
-        </javac>
-    </target>
-    <target name="doc" depends="init" description="Build javadoc">
-        <javadoc packagenames="gnu.testlet"
-            defaultexcludes="yes"
-            destdir="${docs}/"
-            classpathref="myclass.path"
-            windowtitle="Mauve test API" >
-            <doctitle><![CDATA[<h1>Mauve test API</h1>]]></doctitle>
-        </javadoc>
-    </target>
-    <target name="test" depends="init,compile" description="run the tests">
-        <taskdef name="mauve" classname="gnu.anttask.RunTests" classpath="build"/>
-        <mauve debug="false"
-            verbose="false"
-            haltonfailure="false"
-            srcdir="${src}"
-            testJDK="JDK1.4"
-            testJDBC="JDBC2.0"
-            failonerror="true">
-            <fileset dir="${build}" includes="gnu/testlet/java/**" />
-            <fileset dir="${build}" includes="gnu/testlet/javax/**" />
-            <fileset dir="${build}" includes="gnu/testlet/org/**" />
-        </mauve>
-    </target>
-    <target name="parseSources" description="Create tests lists file">
-        <java classname="gnu.testlet.runner.CreateTags" fork="true">
-            <classpath>
-                <pathelement location="${build}" />
-            </classpath>
-            <arg value="gnu" />
-            <arg value="${build}/testslists" />
-        </java>
-    </target>
-    <target name="jars" depends="compile, parseSources" description="Bottle jar">
-        <jar jarfile="alltests.jar" filesonly="true">
-            <fileset dir="build" />
-            <manifest>
-                <attribute name="Main-Class" value="gnu.testlet.runner.Filter" />
-                <attribute name="Built-By" value="${}"/>
-            </manifest>
-        </jar>
-    </target>
Index: choose
RCS file: choose
diff -N choose
--- choose	24 May 2005 17:52:19 -0000	1.33
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# Copyright (c) 1998, 1999, 2005 Cygnus Solutions
-# Written by Tom Tromey <>
-# This file is part of Mauve.
-# Mauve is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# Mauve is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with Mauve; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
-# Choose the tests we want to run.
-# Usage: choose [-verbose] output-directory [tag] ...
-# Run in the source directory.
-# See README for information on tags.
-if test "$1" = "-verbose"; then
-   verbose=yes
-   shift
-# Some tags imply other tags.  For instance, JDK1.2 implies JDK1.1 and
-# JDK1.0.  This makes it easier to keep the tags up to date in the
-# source -- we only have to keep track of differences (as opposed to
-# editing every source file when a new tag is added).  If we see an
-# otherwise-unrecognized tag, and the file `mauve-TAG' exists, then we
-# treat the contents of that file as a list of implied tags.
-while test -n "$taglist"; do
-   set $taglist
-   i="$1"
-   shift
-   taglist=${1+"$@"}
-   case "$i" in
-    X--)
-       seen_dashdash=yes
-       ;;
-    !!java.*)
-       echo "Invalid tag: $i" 1>&2
-       exit 1
-       ;;
-    !java.* | java.* | !javax.* | javax.* | !locales.* | locales.* | !BinaryCompatibility.* | BinaryCompatibility.* | !org.* | org.*)
-       file="`echo $i | tr . /`"
-       file_specs="$file_specs $file"
-       ;;
-    not-a-test)
-       # You can't specify this.
-       :
-       ;;
-    JDK1.2)
-       tags="$tags JDK1.0 JDK1.1 $i"
-       test -z "$seen_dashdash" && spectags="$spectags $i"
-       ;;
-    JDK1.1)
-       tags="$tags JDK1.0 $i"
-       test -z "$seen_dashdash" && spectags="$spectags $i"
-       ;;
-    *)
-       file=
-       # Always prefer a tag file in the build directory.
-       if test -f "$outdir/mauve-$i"; then
-	  file="$outdir/mauve-$i"
-       else
-	  if test -f "mauve-$i"; then
-	     file="mauve-$i"
-	  fi
-       fi
-       if test -n "$file"; then
-	  # We don't want tags from a file to be treated as specified
-	  # on the command line.  So we add a `X--' before the
-	  # expansion.  We don't use just `--' as this would confuse
-	  # `set'.
-	  taglist="$taglist X-- `sed -e 's/#.*$//g' $file`"
-       fi
-       tags="$tags $i"
-       test -z "$seen_dashdash" && spectags="$spectags $i"
-       ;;
-   esac
-# By default, use JDK1.1.
-test -z "$tags" && tags="JDK1.0 JDK1.1 GUI"
-test -n "$verbose" && echo "tags = $tags"
-test -n "$verbose" && echo "spectags = $spectags"
-test -n "$verbose" && echo "file_specs = $file_specs"
-echo "CHOICES =" > $choices
-: > $classes
-: > $usesfile
-(cd gnu/testlet; find java javax locales BinaryCompatibility org -name '*.java' -print) |
-while read file; do
-   exact_match=no
-   test -n "$verbose" && echo "Examining $file"
-   if test -n "$file_specs"; then
-      ok=yes
-      for pat in $file_specs; do
-	 # PAT can be like `java.lang' or `!java.lang'.
-	 # If `!FILE' matches `PAT', then we know the pattern
-	 # starts with `!' and is an exclusion pattern.
-	 # Otherwise, if `!FILE' matches `!PAT', then we know that
-	 # the file should be included.
-	 case "!$file" in
-	  ${pat}*)
-	     ok=no
-	     test -n "$verbose" && echo "  ... excluded by $pat"
-	     ;;
-	  !${pat}.java)
-	     # If the tag list includes an exact match, then we
-	     # unconditionally accept it.
-	     ok=yes
-	     exact_match=yes
-	     test -n "$verbose" && echo "  ... included by $pat (exact match)"
-	     ;;
-	  !${pat}*)
-	     ok=yes
-	     test -n "$verbose" && echo "  ... included by $pat"
-	     ;;
-	 esac
-      done
-   else
-      ok=yes
-   fi
-   if test "$ok" = no; then
-      continue
-   fi
-   # Surround value with spaces so that case statements will work
-   # correctly.
-   taglist=" `grep '^// *Tags:' gnu/testlet/$file | sed -e 's,^// *Tags:,,'` "
-   istest=yes
-   case "$taglist" in
-    *\ not-a-test\ *)
-       istest=no
-       ;;
-   esac
-   # For an exact match, we don't look at the tags.
-   if test "$exact_match" = no; then
-      ok=no
-      # If any tag on the tag list matches, then we are ok.
-      for tag in $tags; do
-	 case "$taglist" in
-	    *" ${tag} "*)
-	    ok=yes
-	    break
-	    ;;
-	 esac
-      done
-      # If any specified tag hits a `not' tag, then we are not ok.
-      if test "$ok" = yes; then
-	 for tag in $spectags; do
-	    case "$taglist" in
-	       *" !${tag} "*)
-	         ok=no
-		 test -n "$verbose" && echo "File $file has tag !$tag"
-		 break
-		 ;;
-	    esac
-	 done
-      else
-	 test -n "$verbose" && echo "  ... excluded because no tag matched"
-      fi
-   fi
-   if test "$ok" = yes; then
-      class="gnu.testlet.`echo $file | sed -e 's/\.java$//' | tr / .`"
-      dirpart="`echo $file | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$,,'`"
-      echo "gnu/testlet/$file" >> $usesfile
-      if test "$istest" = yes; then
-	 echo $class >> $classes
-	 test -n "$verbose" && echo "Choose $class"
-	 # Now that we know we're going to use this class, see
-	 # what other support classes this test requires.
-         useslist=" `grep '^// *Uses:' gnu/testlet/$file | sed -e 's,^// *Uses:,,'` "
-         for used in $useslist; do
-	    # Normalize by removing '..' components from the start
-	    # of each 'Uses' file name.
-	    ndir=$dirpart
-	    while test `expr $used : '[.][.]/'` -ne 0; do
-	       ndir=`dirname $ndir`
-	       used=`echo "$used" | sed -e 's,^[.][.]/,,'`
-	    done
-	    usedfile=$ndir/$
-	    echo "gnu/testlet/$usedfile" >> $usesfile
-         done
-      fi
-   fi
-# Now uniquify the list of auxiliary files we used, and add them to
-# the list of choices.  I think neither `uniq' nor `sort -u' is
-# portable, so we do it by hand.
-sort $usesfile |
-while read next; do
-   if test "$previous" != "$next"; then
-      echo " $next" >> $choices
-      previous=$next
-   fi
-# Add a backslash to the end of every line except the last one.
-sed -e '$ !s/$/ \\/' < $choices > /tmp/x-$$
-mv /tmp/x-$$ $choices
-echo >> $choices
-# Due to a weirdness in GNU make, we want to list the dependencies
-# explicitly here.  This is really nasty.  But if we remove this, then
-# SimpleTestHarness will never be built, because its dependencies
-# won't include the .o files (but, strangely, the link line will).
-sed -e 's/CHOICES =/SimpleTestHarness:/' \
-   -e 's/\.java/.o/g' $choices > /tmp/x-$$
-cat /tmp/x-$$ >> $choices
-rm /tmp/x-$$
-if test -f $outdir/choices \
-   && cmp $choices $outdir/choices > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-   # Files are the same.
-   rm $choices $classes
-   mv $choices $outdir/choices
-   mv $classes $outdir/classes
-rm $usesfile
-exit 0
Index: choose-classes
RCS file: choose-classes
diff -N choose-classes
--- choose-classes	19 Feb 2006 14:27:58 -0000	1.6
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 Cygnus Solutions
-# Written by Tom Tromey <>
-# Copyright (c) 2002, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# Adapted by Mark Wielaard <>
-# This file is part of Mauve.
-# Mauve is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# Mauve is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with Mauve; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
-# Choose the tests we want to run. Output generated in file 'test_classes'.
-# Usage: choose-classes [-verbose] output-directory [tag] ...
-# Run in the source directory.
-# See README for information on tags.
-if test "$1" = "-verbose"; then
-   verbose=yes
-   shift
-test -z "$outdir" \
-    && echo "Usage: choose-classes [-verbose] output-directory [tag] ..." \
-    && exit -1
-# Some tags imply other tags.  For instance, JDK1.2 implies JDK1.1 and
-# JDK1.0.  This makes it easier to keep the tags up to date in the
-# source -- we only have to keep track of differences (as opposed to
-# editing every source file when a new tag is added).  If we see an
-# otherwise-unrecognized tag, and the file `mauve-TAG' exists, then we
-# treat the contents of that file as a list of implied tags.
-while test -n "$taglist"; do
-   set $taglist
-   i="$1"
-   shift
-   taglist=${1+"$@"}
-   case "$i" in
-    X--)
-       seen_dashdash=yes
-       ;;
-    !!java.*)
-       echo "Invalid tag: $i" 1>&2
-       exit 1
-       ;;
-    !java.* | java.* | !javax.* | javax.* | !locales.* | locales.* | !BinaryCompatibility.* | BinaryCompatibility.*)
-       file="`echo $i | tr . /`"
-       file_specs="$file_specs $file"
-       ;;
-    GUI)
-       tags="$tags GUI $i"
-       test -z "$seen_dashdash" && spectags="$spectags $i"
-       ;;
-    JAVA2)
-       tags="$tags JDK1.0 JDK1.1 JDK1.2 $i"
-       test -z "$seen_dashdash" && spectags="$spectags $i"
-       ;;
-    JDK1.2)
-       tags="$tags JDK1.0 JDK1.1 JAVA2 $i"
-       test -z "$seen_dashdash" && spectags="$spectags $i"
-       ;;
-    JDK1.1)
-       tags="$tags JDK1.0 JLS1.1 $i"
-       test -z "$seen_dashdash" && spectags="$spectags $i"
-       ;;
-    JDK1.0)
-       tags="$tags JLS1.0"
-       test -z "$seen_dashdash" && spectags="$spectags $i"
-       ;;
-    JLS1.1)
-       tags="$tags JDK1.0 JDK1.1"
-       test -z "$seen_dashdash" && spectags="$spectags $i"
-       ;;
-    JLS1.0)
-       tags="$tags JDK1.0"
-       test -z "$seen_dashdash" && spectags="$spectags $i"
-       ;;
-    *)
-       file=
-       # Always prefer a tag file in the build directory.
-       if test -f "$outdir/mauve-$i"; then
-	  file="$outdir/mauve-$i"
-       else
-	  if test -f "mauve-$i"; then
-	     file="mauve-$i"
-	  fi
-       fi
-       if test -n "$file"; then
-	  # We don't want tags from a file to be treated as specified
-	  # on the command line.  So we add a `X--' before the
-	  # expansion.  We don't use just `--' as this would confuse
-	  # `set'.
-	  taglist="$taglist X-- `sed -e 's/#.*$//g' $file`"
-       fi
-       tags="$tags $i"
-       test -z "$seen_dashdash" && spectags="$spectags $i"
-       ;;
-   esac
-# By default, use JDK1.1.
-test -z "$tags" && tags="JDK1.0 JDK1.1 GUI"
-test -n "$verbose" && echo "tags = $tags"
-test -n "$verbose" && echo "spectags = $spectags"
-test -n "$verbose" && echo "file_specs = $file_specs"
-: > $classes
-(cd gnu/testlet; find java javax gnu org locales BinaryCompatibility -name '*.java' -print) |
-while read file; do
-   exact_match=no
-   test -n "$verbose" && echo "Examining $file"
-   if test -n "$file_specs"; then
-      ok=yes
-      for pat in $file_specs; do
-	 # PAT can be like `java.lang' or `!java.lang'.
-	 # If `!FILE' matches `PAT', then we know the pattern
-	 # starts with `!' and is an exclusion pattern.
-	 # Otherwise, if `!FILE' matches `!PAT', then we know that
-	 # the file should be included.
-	 case "!$file" in
-	  ${pat}*)
-	     ok=no
-	     test -n "$verbose" && echo "  ... excluded by $pat"
-	     ;;
-	  !${pat}.java)
-	     # If the tag list includes an exact match, then we
-	     # unconditionally accept it.
-	     ok=yes
-	     exact_match=yes
-	     test -n "$verbose" && echo "  ... included by $pat (exact match)"
-	     ;;
-	  !${pat}*)
-	     ok=yes
-	     test -n "$verbose" && echo "  ... included by $pat"
-	     ;;
-	 esac
-      done
-   else
-      ok=yes
-   fi
-   if test "$ok" = no; then
-      continue
-   fi
-   # Surround value with spaces so that case statements will work
-   # correctly.
-   taglist=" `egrep '^// *Tags:' gnu/testlet/$file | sed -e 's,^// *Tags:,,'` "
-   istest=yes
-   case "$taglist" in
-    *\ not-a-test\ *)
-       istest=no
-       ;;
-   esac
-   # For an exact match, we don't look at the tags.
-   if test "$exact_match" = no; then
-      ok=no
-      # If any tag on the tag list matches, then we are ok.
-      for tag in $tags; do
-	 case "$taglist" in
-	    *" ${tag} "*)
-	    ok=yes
-	    break
-	    ;;
-	 esac
-      done
-      # If any specified tag hits a `not' tag, then we are not ok.
-      if test "$ok" = yes; then
-	 for tag in $spectags; do
-	    case "$taglist" in
-	       *" !${tag} "*)
-	         ok=no
-		 test -n "$verbose" && echo "File $file has tag !$tag"
-		 break
-		 ;;
-	    esac
-	 done
-      else
-	 test -n "$verbose" && echo "  ... excluded because no tag matched"
-      fi
-   fi
-   if test "$ok" = yes; then
-      class="gnu.testlet.`echo $file | sed -e 's/\.java$//' | tr / .`"
-      if test "$istest" = yes; then
-	 echo $class >> $classes
-	 test -n "$verbose" && echo "Choose $class"
-      else
-      	 test -n "$verbose" && echo " ... excluded because not-a-test"
-      fi
-   fi
-if test -f $outdir/test_classes \
-   && cmp $classes $outdir/test_classes > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-   # Files are the same.
-   rm $classes
-   mv $classes $outdir/test_classes
-exit 0
RCS file: /cvs/mauve/mauve/,v
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -u -r1.18
---	31 May 2006 17:21:42 -0000	1.18
+++	7 Jun 2006 14:30:37 -0000
@@ -2,124 +2,50 @@
 AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(mauve, 0.0)
-dnl Check path and file separator types
-dnl For EXEEXT.
 dnl Check for which JVM should be tested, default to "java"
-[  --with-vm=TESTJVM  				Run the tests with TESTJVM],
-TEST_JAVA="$with_vm", TEST_JAVA="java")
+            AS_HELP_STRING([--with-vm=TESTJVM],
+                           [Run the tests with TESTJVM]),
+            TEST_JAVA="$with_vm",
+            TEST_JAVA="java")
-[  --with-gcj                       Use gcj to compile .class files])
-AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_GCJ, test "$with_gcj" = yes)
-[  --with-bootclasspath=BOOTCP   Specify the bootclasspath for the compiler],
-[  --with-emma(=JARLOCATION)       Use emma, either unpacked in classpath 
-folder or at the specified JARLOCATION],
-EMMA="$with_emma", EMMA="yes")
-if test "$EMMA" = "yes"
+dnl If we find an ecj jar file, enable auto-compilation.  Otherwise
+dnl disable it.
-[  --with-ecj-jar=JARLOCATION       Use the ecj jar found at JARLOCATION for 
-ECJ_JAR="$with_ecj_jar", ECJ_JAR=yes)
-if test "$ECJ_JAR" = "yes"
+            AS_HELP_STRING([--with-ecj-jar=JARLOCATION],
+                           [Use the ecj jar found at JARLOCATION for auto-compilation]),
+            ECJ_JAR="$with_ecj_jar",
+	    AC_CHECK_FILE([/usr/share/java/eclipse-ecj.jar],
+                          ECJ_JAR="/usr/share/java/eclipse-ecj.jar",
+                          AC_CHECK_FILE([/usr/share/ecj.jar],
+                                        ECJ_JAR="/usr/share/java/eclipse-ecj.jar",
+                                        auto_compilation="no")))
-dnl auto-compilation is disabled by default because it requires the
-dnl --with-classpath-install-dir option to be used as well, and so
-dnl by disabling it, the standard "./configure" setup has a better
-dnl chance of producing meaningful results.  If it were enabled
-dnl by default many tests would fail because the compiler wouldn't
-dnl have the correct bootclasspath
-[  --enable-auto-compilation            Use ecj to compile tests on the fly],
-dnl See if the user prefers to build .class files with gcj, or whether
-dnl javac will be used.  The default is to use gcj if we're compiling
-dnl with gcj.
-[  --enable-gcj-classes             Use gcj, not javac, to build class files],
-   gcj_classes="$enable_gcj_classes", gcj_classes=maybe)
-if test "$gcj_classes" = yes \
-   || (test "$gcj_classes" = maybe && test "$with_gcj" = yes); then
-   JAVAC='$(GCJ) -C'
-dnl If we're using gcj, the default is not to build class files at all.
-[  --enable-class-files             Create class files when using gcj],
-   class_files="$enable_class_files",
-   if test "$with_gcj" = yes; then
-      class_files=no
-   else
-      class_files=yes
-   fi)
-AM_CONDITIONAL(CLASS_FILES, test "$class_files" = yes)
+AM_CONDITIONAL(AUTO_COMPILE, test "$auto_compilation" = yes)
-SRCDIR=`(cd $srcdir; pwd)`
 dnl Specify the tempdir.
-<<  --with-tmpdir=DIR                Put temporary files in DIR [/tmp]>>,
+            AS_HELP_STRING([--with-tmpdir=DIR],
+                           [Put temporary files in DIR (default is /tmp)])
+            TMPDIR="$with_tmpdir",
+	    TMPDIR="/tmp")
 dnl Specify a mail server host for socket testing.  This allows you to
 dnl choose a different server if '' is blocked by your firewall
-<<  --with-mailhost=hostname         Server for socket tests []>>,
+            AS_HELP_STRING([--with-mailhost=hostname],
+                           [Server for socket tests (default is]),
+            MAIL_HOST="$with_mailhost")
-if test ! -d gnu; then
-  mkdir gnu
-if test ! -d gnu/testlet; then
-  mkdir gnu/testlet
 AC_OUTPUT(Makefile gnu/testlet/
Index: runner
RCS file: runner
diff -N runner
--- runner	19 Feb 2006 14:27:58 -0000	1.15
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2002, 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# Written by Mark Wielaard <>
-# This file is part of Mauve.
-# Mauve is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# Mauve is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with Mauve; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# Tries to run one test case. Produces a FAIL output if the test crashes
-# or doesn't finish after some timeout occurs.
-# RUNTIME command can be set in the script to select the VM.
-# For testing (gcj) native code set RUNTIME to 'native' it will then try to
-# execute the program SimpleTestHarness in the current directory.
-# Called from batch_run script.
-# Usage: runner test_class_name
-# Run in the source directory.
-if test "x$RUNTIME" = "x" ; then
-#RUNTIME="/usr/local/sablevm/bin/sablevm -Y"
-#RUNTIME="jc -Xint"
-# Number of seconds to wait for the test to finish
-# Whether the test was killed by a timeout
-# Called when timeout occurs
-    kill -9 $PID > /dev/null 2>&1
-    KILLED=1
-# Install timeout
-trap timeout SIGALRM
-(sleep $WAIT && kill -s SIGALRM $$) > /dev/null 2>&1 &
-# Run process
-if test "x$RUNTIME" = "xnative"; then
-    echo $testclass > testfilename.txt
-    ./SimpleTestHarness -debug -verbose -file testfilename.txt &
-    echo $testclass | $RUNTIME -Dmauve.vmexec=$RUNTIME gnu.testlet.SimpleTestHarness -debug -verbose &
-wait $PID
-# cleanup timeout
-# FIXME: this kills tests too early:
-# trap '' SIGALRM
-# if test $KILLED != 1; then
-#     kill -9 $TIMEOUT > /dev/null 2>&1
-# fi
-# Test terminated unexpectedly?
-if test $result != 0 -a $result != 1; then
-    echo "FAIL: $testclass abnormal termination $result CRASH or TIMEOUT"
Index: uses-list
RCS file: uses-list
diff -N uses-list
--- uses-list	9 Jul 2005 19:31:07 -0000	1.2
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# Written by Mark Wielaard <>
-# Based on the choose script written by Tom Tromey <>
-# This file is part of Mauve.
-# Mauve is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# Mauve is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with Mauve; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# Given a (list of) test classes or java files generates a list of all java
-# files used for that test in the file 'uses_files'.
-usage="uses-list [-verbose] output-directory classes_or_files"
-if test "$1" = "-verbose"; then
-    verbose=yes
-    shift
-    verbose=
-test -z "$outdir" && echo "$usage" && exit -1
-test -z "$class" && echo "$usage" && exit -1
-while test ! -z "$class"; do
-    test -n "$verbose" && echo "Processing $class"
-    # Strip trailing .java or .class if given and replace . with /
-    file="`echo $class | sed -e 's/\.java$//' | sed -e 's/\.class$//' | tr . /`"
-    file="$"
-    dir="`dirname $file`"
-    test ! -f "$file" && echo "file $file does not exist" && exit -1
-    useslist=" `grep '^// Uses:' $file | sed -e 's,^// Uses:,,'` "
-    filelist=$file
-    echo "$file" >> "$usesfile"
-    for used in $useslist; do
-	usedfile=$dir/$
-	if test ! -f "$usedfile"; then
-	    echo "file $used file used by $file does not exist"
-	    exit -1
-	fi
-	echo "$usedfile" >> "$usesfile"
-	filelist="$filelist $usedfile"
-    done
-    test -n "$verbose" && echo " ... uses: $filelist"
-    if test $# -gt 0; then
-	class="$1"
-	shift
-    else
-	class=""
-    fi
-# Now uniquify the list of auxiliary files we used.
-# I think neither `uniq' nor `sort -u' is portable, so we do it by hand.
-sort "$usesfile" |
-while read next; do
-    if test "$previous" != "$next"; then
-	echo "$next" >> $uses
-	previous=$next
-    fi
-if test -f $outdir/uses_files \
-    && cmp $uses $outdir/uses_files > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-    # Files are the same.
-    rm $uses
-    mv $uses $outdir/uses_files
-rm $usesfile

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