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Problems with port 30000 in .net.ServerSocketTest test_params testcase

Many of the .net testcases use hard-coded port numbers when testing the Socket and ServerSocket classes.  Most of these port numbers have not caused us any problems, with the exception of 30000.  On Compaq systems this is the port of an AFS management server, and therefore any use of port 30000 causes the testcase to fail.  The first test_params() testcase in .net.ServerSocketTest creates a ServerSocket bound to port 30000, which is then used to test various ServerSocket methods.  Would it be possible to alter this test so that it either uses a different hard-coded port or specifies port 0, which will allow the system to assign it a free port?  With the latter approach, the getLocalPort method will retrieve the port number that was chosen.  

Steve Murry
SAS Institute

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