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Questions regarding calling conventions


I've been using libffi recently and I have come up with several questions regarding the implemented
calling conventions. The most recent version of libffi (3.0.11 as of now) implemented support for
several new calling conventions, among these were thiscall, fastcall and MSVC cdecl on Windows x86.

I have yet to try these implementations, but so far I've only worked with libffi on Linux. What I am
wondering though, how come these calling conventions aren't implemented on Linux x86?

Recently I've been working with a linux (GCC) library which features functions using the fastcall
convention, and since libffi only supports fastcall on Windows, I can by no means call these functions
using libffi. I'm aware of the fact that fastcall (and stdcall for that matter) is barely used on the Linux
platform but considering that GCC have had support for the fastcall convention since version 3.4
(__attribute__((fastcall))), it's a shame there is not support for this. Therefore I want to ask why this
is not implemented? Perhaps it's because of its infrequent usage, but I would definitely appreciate
such a feature (NOTE: GCC supports the stdcall convention as well)!

As I mentioned earlier, support was also added for the 'thiscall' on Windows x86 in the most recent
release. As you all surely must know, the thiscall convention is special on the Windows platform (it pushes
'this' in the ECX register, the order is RTL and it is the callee that cleans the stack) whilst GCC uses the
"ordinary" cdecl, but pushes the 'this' pointer implicitly as the first argument to the function.

Since GCC's thiscall convention is so similar to the cdecl convention, one could easily call a member
function specifying FFI_DEFAULT_ABI on Linux x86, but I have two questions:

1. How come the 'thiscall' isn't implemented on Linux x86 (even though it's so similar to the
cdecl convention)? For the sake of uniformity (and perhaps brevity?) it would ease the process
of cross-platform applications, if this were to be implemented on Linux x86 as well. Perhaps
it's not implemented because libffi is not "high-level" enough?

2. Last but not least, since I'm already here, how does one supply the 'this' pointer using FFI_THISCALL on
Windows 32bit? Is it passed as the first argument in the ffi_call 'arguments' array or have I got it all wrong?

I also want to ask if there is any possibility of having ffi_prep_cif_var without the 'ntotalargs' argument?
Even though I'm not an expert on calling conventions, from what I know there is no way for the callee to know
the amount of arguments passed to a variadic function (which makes my request impossible to implement).

The reason I'm asking is because I'm probably going to use libffi for a detouring project of mine later on,
and if I were to detour a variadic function, there would be no possibility for me to know the total amount
of arguments passed to the 'detoured' function.

NOTE: For those of you that don't know, you 'detour' functions by replacing the first 5 bytes of a function with a 'call <address>'

Disclaimer: I'm not so familiar with mailing-lists so excuse me for any technical mistakes.

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