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Re: glibc-ports-2.12.1 tarball

   If the tarball is based on the tag glibc-2.12.1 made on August 4th
   by Joseph Myers, then please upload. My apologies for not replying

There should be a tarball somewhere near you when you read
this.  The following was used to generate, and upload:

git archive --prefix=glibc-ports-2.12.1/ glibc-2.12.1 > glibc-ports-2.12.1.tar
tar xf glibc-ports-2.12.1.tar
rm glibc-ports-2.12.1.tar
find glibc-ports-2.12.1 -name configure -print | xargs touch
tar -cf glibc-ports-2.12.1.tar glibc-ports-2.12.1
gzip -9c glibc-ports-2.12.1.tar > glibc-ports-2.12.1.tar.gz
bzip2 -9c glibc-ports-2.12.1.tar > glibc-ports-2.12.1.tar.bz2
~/gnulib/build-aux/gnuupload --to \
 --to \
 glibc-ports-2.12.1.tar.gz glibc-ports-2.12.1.tar.bz2

I'll send a small patch for the Makefile to handle this better, it
still assumes CVS.

   The community needs a global ports maintainer to step-up and commit to
   organizing all of the activities required for the community to

I can help, but I do not have time to organise.

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