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Re: Flushing shared memory from CPU cache

* Konstantin Kharlamov:

> On 20.11.2018 16:20, Florian Weimer wrote:
>> * Konstantin Kharlamov:
>>> I have 2 processes and a shared memory in between. Process α writes into
>>> a shm, then notifies the process β that it's done writing. β gets
>>> notifications, and starts reading from shm — and occasionally sees a
>>> unintialized memory.
>>> I think it's because changes of α are still in CPU cache. I have
>>> searched a lot, but didn't find any documented behavior. Supposedly,
>>> calling `munmap()` in α before notifying β would help, but
>>> there's no documentation on that matter.
>>> I was about to report a bug, but this requires making a testcase, so I
>>> wanted beforehand to just ask if anybody knows anything about that
>>> *(e.g. if it's a known expected behavior, then I probably won't need to
>>> make a testcase, only to report lack of documentation)*.
>> Do you use atomics, following the rules of the memory model?  Either C
>> atomics from <atomic.h>, C++ atomics from <atomic> or the GCC atomic
>> builtins?
>>    <>
>> If not, then what you are observing is not unusual at all.
> Do you mean, casting result of `mmap()` call to e.g.
> `std::atomic<void*>`?

Well, not void *, but some integer type, but that's the idea, yes.

> Yeah, as a temporary workaround I did it (and it worked), but it's
> likely a undefined behavior; besides I imagine it would make flush on
> every write through the pointer, so e.g. for copying a 1M buffer I'd
> get 10⁶ writes. Whereas I only need to flush shm once, after process α
> done copying.

You can use fences in combination with the relaxed memory order.  There
is no need for a system call.


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