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Fortran vector math header creation


I've working on SIMD support for Fortran and I've got a GCC patch
ready to be installed:

Now I would need to generate math-vector-fortran.h header file in glibc.
Can be generated from math-vector.h via attached following script.

$ cat math-vector.h | ./ > math-vector-fortran.h && cat math-vector-fortran.h
!GCC$ builtin (cos) attributes simd (notinbranch)
!GCC$ builtin (cosf) attributes simd (notinbranch)
!GCC$ builtin (sin) attributes simd (notinbranch)
!GCC$ builtin (sinf) attributes simd (notinbranch)
!GCC$ builtin (sincos) attributes simd (notinbranch)
!GCC$ builtin (sincosf) attributes simd (notinbranch)
!GCC$ builtin (log) attributes simd (notinbranch)
!GCC$ builtin (logf) attributes simd (notinbranch)
!GCC$ builtin (exp) attributes simd (notinbranch)
!GCC$ builtin (expf) attributes simd (notinbranch)
!GCC$ builtin (pow) attributes simd (notinbranch)
!GCC$ builtin (powf) attributes simd (notinbranch)

Can you please help me how to integrate that to glibc build process?
Do you use a scripting language?

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import fileinput

# sample declarations:
#  define __DECL_SIMD_cos __DECL_SIMD_x86_64

for line in fileinput.input():
    parts = [x for x in line.strip().split(' ') if x]
    s = '__DECL_SIMD_'
    if (len(parts) == 4 and parts[1] == 'define'
        and parts[-1] == '__DECL_SIMD_x86_64'):
            fn = parts[2]
            assert fn.startswith(s)
            fn =fn[len(s):]
            print('!GCC$ builtin (%s) attributes simd (notinbranch)' % fn)

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