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RFC: POSIX timers and threads in a realtime context


looking at the glibc timer API, there is a Linux-specific interface to send timer events to a dedicated POSIX thread within the current process group:

$ man timer_create
SIGEV_THREAD_ID (Linux-specific)
As  for  SIGEV_SIGNAL,  but the signal is targeted at the thread
whose ID is given in sigev_notify_thread_id, which must be a
thread in the same process as the caller.  The sigev_notify_thread_id
field specifies a kernel thread ID, that is, the value returned by
clone(2) or gettid(2).  This flag is intended only for use by threading

Using this interface allows to set up timer events being sent to the _current_ thread using the gettid system call, e.g. (just copy and paste to a terminal to compile and run):

$ cat << EOF | gcc -xc - -pthread -lrt && ./a.out
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>

int main(void) {
        struct timespec period = {1, 0};
        struct itimerspec itime = {period, period};
        timer_t timer;
        siginfo_t info;
        sigset_t set;
        struct sigevent event;
        pid_t tid = syscall(SYS_gettid);

        memset(&event, 0, sizeof(event));
        event.sigev_notify = SIGEV_THREAD_ID;
        event.sigev_signo = SIGRTMIN;
        event._sigev_un._tid = tid;
        event.sigev_value.sival_ptr = (void *) 0xdeadbeef;
        assert(timer_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &event, &timer) == 0);
        assert(timer_settime(timer, 0, &itime, 0) == 0);

        sigaddset(&set, SIGRTMIN);
        assert(!pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL));
        while(1) {
                assert(sigwaitinfo(&set, &info) == SIGRTMIN);
                printf("Got signal %d with value %p\n",  info.si_signo, info.si_ptr);
        return 0;

But there is no interface to send timer events to _another_ dedicated thread in the current thread group, because gettid() only calculates the kernel thread id for the current thread.

To get around this restriction, I'd like to suggest extending the GLIBC API to support sending timer events to arbitrary threads in the current thread group by either:

- introducing a new Linux specific function that calculates the kernel thread id from an arbitrary POSIX thread id along the lines
    pid_t pthread_to_tid_np (pthread_t id) {
        return ((struct pthread *) id)->tid;
- introducing a new Linux-specific sigev_notify value named e.g. SIGEV_PTHREAD_ID and a new member in struct sigevent, e.g. _sigev_un._pthread, allowing to directly pass a POSIX thread id to struct sigevent.  Furthermore, adding something like #define sigev_notify_pthread   _sigev_un._sigev_thread._pthread to asm-generic/siginfo.h  would then be appropriate to make access to the newly defined interface look nicer.

The main reason for my suggestion is better realtime support: The suggested solution provides a rather low-latency path to send timer events to threads.

I would be more than happy to provide a GLIBC patch that implements either of the two suggested solutions, or any other solution allowing to send timer events to dedicated threads, as long as chances are that it may be acceptable for the GLIBC maintainers. Personally, I'd be in favor for the second of the presented solutions, as it would not expose kernel thread ids to application code and would more smoothly fit into the currently available  interface.

Please comment.

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