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Re: K&R and ISO


> "Alain Magloire" <> writes:
> > The above was done, when I raised the flag, the answer was a flat "no".
> I will not revert the patches to regex.c since they are optimizations
> which buy quite a lot in the glibc context. 

> If there is a way to keep
> it usable without obsfutating the sources that's fine.  Somebody
> should come up with a patch.

No, this is a loosing strategy, it does not scale.  If you choose to walk this
path and use the full ANSI C semantics then be it.

> I personally don't care a thing for K&R
> compilers.  All you need is make, gcc, and perhaps binutils.  With
> this you can get gcc running and you are set.  If somebody does not
> want to do this because it's too much work they cannot expect the
> maintainer to spend time on their problems.

K&R is dead! The king is dead! Long Live the King!

Epitaphe for K&R :

... Surrender I?
Parley?  No, never!  You too, Folly, --you?
I know that you will lay me low at last;
Let be!  Yet I fall fighting, fighting still!
You strip from me the laurel and the rose!
Take all!  Despite you there is yet one thing
I hold against you all, and when, tonight,
I enter Christ's fair courts, and, lowly bowed,
Sweep with doffed casque the heaven's threshold blue,
One thing is left, that, void of stain or smutch,
I bear away despite you.
... My panache.
             [Cyrano De Bergerac, --Rostand]

Sortie, rideau, Ovation de la foule.

au revoir, alain
Aussi haut que l'on soit assis, on n'est toujours assis que sur son cul !!!

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