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Script for parsing of glibc cvs messages

Since I'm behind a slow connection, I don't like to do issue a 'cvs
update'  for the complete glibc sources.  Instead I prefer to only get 
the changed files.  I've written a small perl script that parses the
emails send to glibc-cvs and generates minimal cvs update commands.
I'm appending the script in the hope that others find it useful and
might want to use and enhance it (patches are welcome!).

The script should work not only for glibc-cvs but also for egcs-cvs
but I don't want to circulate it further in the current state.

I'm not sure if the script handles all cvs mails correctly, this needs
some more testing.  In future I'd like to add an option for automatic
generation of diffs.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright 1999, Andreas Jaeger,
# Parse cvs mail from glibc and generate cvs commands
# Todo:
#   - Does creation of new directories work
#   - Creation of diff files

use vars qw ($state @files);
use vars qw ($lastdir $current_tag @state_log);

# Data structure: hash of arrays
# hash entry is tag - or "" for main branch
use vars qw (%modified %added %removed %log);

$current_tag = "";
$state = 0;

@state_log = ("", "(added)", "(removed)", "(modified)", "");

while (<>) {
  $state = 0, next if /^$/;
  $state = 1, next if /^Added files:/;
  $state = 2, next if /^Removed files:/;
  $state = 3, next if /^Modified files:/;
  $state = 4, next if /^Log message:/;
  if ($state == 0) {
    #print "Skipped: $_\n";
  if ($state >= 1 && $state <= 3) {
    @files = &parse_files ($_);
    push @{$added{$current_tag}}, @files if $state == 1;
    push @{$removed{$current_tag}}, @files if $state == 2;
    push @{$modified{$current_tag}}, @files if $state == 3;
    push @{$log{$current_tag}}, map {"File: " . $_ . " " . $state_log[$state]. ":"} @files;
  if ($state == 4) {
    push @{$log{$current_tag}}, $_;

&output ();

sub output {
  my ($tag, %seen, $cvs_tag);
  my (@commands);

  %seen = ();
  foreach (keys %added) {
    $seen{$_} = 1;
  foreach (keys %removed) {
    $seen{$_} = 1;
  foreach (keys %modified) {
    $seen{$_} = 1;

  foreach $tag(sort keys %seen) {

    my (%files, %file_list);

    print "\n\nTag: $tag\n";
    print '=' x 40, "\n";

    $cvs_tag = "";
    %files = ();
    if ($tag ne "") {
      $cvs_tag = "-r $tag";
    if (exists $added{$tag}) {
      print "\n\nAdded:\n";
      map {print "$_\n";$files{$_}=1;} @{$added{$tag}};

    if (exists $removed{$tag}) {
      print "\n\nRemoved:\n";
      map {print "$_\n";$files{$_}=1;} @{$removed{$tag}};

    if (exists $modified{$tag}) {
      print "\n\nModified:\n";
      map {print "$_\n";$files{$_}=1;} @{$modified{$tag}};
    if (exists $log{$tag}) {
      print "\n\nLog:\n";
      map {print "$_\n";} @{$log{$tag}};
    $file_list = join ' ', sort keys %files;
    push @commands, "cvs update $cvs_tag $file_list";

  print '=' x 40, "\n";
  print "\nYou can issue:\n";
  foreach (@commands) {
    print "$_\n";

sub parse_files {
  my ($line) = @_;
  my ($filelist, @files, $dir, $tag);
  if ($line =~ /Tag:/) {
    my ($before, $after);
    ($tag) = ($line =~ /Tag:\s([-a-z_A-Z0-9]+)\s/);
    $line =~ s/Tag:\s([-a-z_A-Z0-9]+)\s//;
    $current_tag = $tag;
  } else {
    $current_tag = "";
  if ($line =~ /:/) {
    ($dir, $filelist) = ($line =~ /^\s+(\S+)\s*:\s(.*)$/);
    $lastdir = $dir;
  } else {
    $dir = $lastdir;
    ($filelist) = ($line =~ /^\s+(.*)$/);
  @files = map {"$dir/$_"} split /\s/,$filelist;


 Andreas Jaeger
  for pgp-key finger

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