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Re: <signal.h> broken with _POSIX_SOURCE=1 defined

Upps.  My attempt for a fast cleanup of the script broke it.  Here's
another try.  There're some errors/warning you need to ignore - but
others are worth looking into it.  Just give it a try and send me
comments on the script - and Ulrich patches if needed.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Written by Andreas Jaeger <>, 1998.
# This script tests most glibc headers in an include tree.
# It tests that the files are self contained and are parseable
# by processing them by the C compiler.

# The following two paramters need to be adjusted:
#  Directory where gcc and g++ live:
#  My test installation directory, include is a subdir of it:
$install_dir = "/usr/glibc/glibc-2.1";

# You shouldn't need to change anything below - otherwise send a patch;-)
$includes = "-I${install_dir}/include";


# compile in /tmp
chdir ("/tmp/");

sub test_header {
  my ($compiler, $file, $prefix) = @_;

  print "Testing: $prefix$file with $compiler\n";
  open DATEI, ">/tmp/test.c";
# Some include files need special treatment, e.g. inclusion of other
# headers.
    if ($prefix eq "" && ($file eq "regex.h" || $file eq "re_comp.h" || $file eq "glob.h")) {
      print DATEI "#include <sys/types.h>\n";
      last SPECIAL;
    if ($prefix eq "" && $file eq "regexp.h" ) {
      print DATEI "#define INIT\n";
      print DATEI "#define GETC() 0\n";
      print DATEI "#define PEEKC() 0\n";
      print DATEI "#define UNGETC(c)\n";
      print DATEI "#define ERROR(val)\n";
      print DATEI "#define RETURN(val) 0\n";

      last SPECIAL;
    if ($prefix eq "netrose/" && $file eq "rose.h" ) {
      print DATEI "#include <netax25/ax25.h>\n";
      last SPECIAL;
  print DATEI "#include<$prefix$file>\n";
  print DATEI "int main (void) {return 0;}\n";
  close DATEI;
  open GCC, "$compiler $includes -c test.c 2>&1 |";
  while (<GCC>) {
  close GCC;

sub test_isoc {
# iso headers:
# assert, ctype, errno, float, iso646, limits, locale, math, setjmp, signal, stdarg,
# stddef, stdio, stdlib, string, time, wchar, wctype
# ico C9X additionally: complex, fenv, inttypes, stdbool, tgmath
  my ($header, @headers);
  my ($compiler) = $_[0];

  @headers = ("assert", "ctype", "errno", "float", "iso646", "limits", 
	      "locale", "math", "setjmp", "signal", "stdarg", "stddef", 
	      "stdio", "stdlib", "string", "time", "wchar", "wctype",
	      # ico C9X additionally: 
	      "complex", "fenv", "inttypes", "tgmath" # , "stdbool"

  foreach $header (@headers) {
    test_header ($compiler, "$header.h", "");

sub test_dir {
  my ($compiler, $dir,$prefix) = @_;

  my (@allfiles, $datei);

  opendir DIRS, $dir;
  @allfiles = sort grep /\.h$/, readdir DIRS;
  closedir DIRS;

  foreach $datei (@allfiles) {

      if (($prefix eq "rpcsvc/" && $datei eq "nislib.h")) {
	print "Skipping: $prefix$datei with $compiler\n";
	next DATEI;
      if (($prefix eq "" && $datei eq "Dpg.h")) {
	print "Skipping: $prefix$datei with $compiler\n";
	next DATEI;
      if (($prefix eq "" && $datei eq "liba2ps.h")) {
	print "Skipping: $prefix$datei with $compiler\n";
	next DATEI;
      if (($prefix eq "" && $datei eq "gif_lib.h")) {
	print "Skipping: $prefix$datei with $compiler\n";
	next DATEI;
      if (($prefix eq "" && $datei eq "FlexLexer.h")) {
	print "Skipping: $prefix$datei with $compiler\n";
	next DATEI;
      if (($prefix eq "" && $datei eq "bfdlink.h")) {
	print "Skipping: $prefix$datei with $compiler\n";
	next DATEI;
      if (($prefix eq "" && $datei eq "compface.h")) {
	print "Skipping: $prefix$datei with $compiler\n";
	next DATEI;
      if (($prefix eq "" && $datei eq "cursesapp.h")) {
	print "Skipping: $prefix$datei with $compiler\n";
	next DATEI;
      if ($prefix eq "" && 
	  ($datei eq "cursesapp.h" || $datei eq "cursesw.h" || $datei eq "etip.h" || 
	   $datei eq "expect_comm.h" || $datei eq "expect_tcl.h" || $datei eq "jpeglib.h" ||
	   $datei eq "pngconf.h" || $datei eq "png.h" || $datei eq "bfd.h" || 
	   $datei eq "cursesf.h" || $datei eq "cursesp.h" || $datei eq "cursslk.h" ||
	   $datei eq "expect.h" || $datei eq "cursesm.h" || $datei eq "gpm.h" ||
	   $datei eq "tk.h" || $datei eq "Dbg.h"
			   )) {
	print "Skipping: $prefix$datei with $compiler\n";
	next DATEI;
    &test_header ($compiler, $datei, $prefix);

sub test_all_dirs {

  my ($compiler) = $_[0];

  $add_dir = $install_dir;

  &test_dir ($compiler, "$add_dir/include/", "");
  &test_dir ($compiler, "$add_dir/include/db1/", "db1/");
  &test_dir ($compiler, "$add_dir/include/gnu/", "gnu/");
  &test_dir ($compiler, "$add_dir/include/net/", "net/");
  &test_dir ($compiler, "$add_dir/include/netash/", "netash/");
  &test_dir ($compiler, "$add_dir/include/netatalk/", "netatalk/");
  &test_dir ($compiler, "$add_dir/include/netax25/", "netax25/");
  &test_dir ($compiler, "$add_dir/include/neteconet/", "neteconet/");
  &test_dir ($compiler, "$add_dir/include/netinet/", "netinet/");
  &test_dir ($compiler, "$add_dir/include/netipx/", "netipx/");
  &test_dir ($compiler, "$add_dir/include/netpacket/", "netpacket/");
  &test_dir ($compiler, "$add_dir/include/netrom/", "netrom/");
  &test_dir ($compiler, "$add_dir/include/netrose/", "netrose/");
  &test_dir ($compiler, "$add_dir/include/nfs/", "nfs/");
  &test_dir ($compiler, "$add_dir/include/protocols/", "protocols/");
  &test_dir ($compiler, "$add_dir/include/rpc/", "rpc/");
  &test_dir ($compiler, "$add_dir/include/rpcsvc/", "rpcsvc/");
  &test_dir ($compiler, "$add_dir/include/scsi/", "scsi/");
  &test_dir ($compiler, "$add_dir/include/sys/", "sys/");

&test_isoc ("${PATH_FOR_CC}gcc -ansi -pedantic -W");
&test_isoc ("${PATH_FOR_CC}g++ -ansi -pedantic -W");

&test_all_dirs ("${PATH_FOR_CC}gcc -W");
&test_all_dirs ("${PATH_FOR_CC}g++ -W");
&test_all_dirs ("${PATH_FOR_CC}gcc -D_POSIX_SOURCE -W");
&test_all_dirs ("${PATH_FOR_CC}g++ -D_POSIX_SOURCE -W");
&test_all_dirs ("${PATH_FOR_CC}gcc -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=1 -W");
&test_all_dirs ("${PATH_FOR_CC}g++ -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=1 -W");
&test_all_dirs ("${PATH_FOR_CC}gcc -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=2 -W");
&test_all_dirs ("${PATH_FOR_CC}g++ -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=2 -W");
&test_all_dirs ("${PATH_FOR_CC}gcc -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199309 -W");
&test_all_dirs ("${PATH_FOR_CC}g++ -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199309 -W");
&test_all_dirs ("${PATH_FOR_CC}gcc -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199506 -W");
&test_all_dirs ("${PATH_FOR_CC}g++ -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199506 -W");
&test_all_dirs ("${PATH_FOR_CC}gcc -D_XOPEN_SOURCE -W");
&test_all_dirs ("${PATH_FOR_CC}g++ -D_XOPEN_SOURCE -W");
&test_all_dirs ("${PATH_FOR_CC}gcc -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=500 -W");
&test_all_dirs ("${PATH_FOR_CC}g++ -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=500 -W");
&test_all_dirs ("${PATH_FOR_CC}gcc -D_SVID_SOURCE -W");
&test_all_dirs ("${PATH_FOR_CC}g++ -D_SVID_SOURCE -W");
&test_all_dirs ("${PATH_FOR_CC}gcc -D_GNU_SOURCE -W");
&test_all_dirs ("${PATH_FOR_CC}g++ -D_GNU_SOURCE -W");
&test_all_dirs ("${PATH_FOR_CC}gcc -D_BSD_SOURCE -W");
&test_all_dirs ("${PATH_FOR_CC}g++ -D_BSD_SOURCE -W");

&test_all_dirs ("${PATH_FOR_CC}gcc -D_REENTRANT -W");
&test_all_dirs ("${PATH_FOR_CC}g++ -D_REENTRANT -W");
&test_all_dirs ("${PATH_FOR_CC}gcc -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -W");
&test_all_dirs ("${PATH_FOR_CC}g++ -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -W");

 Andreas Jaeger
  for pgp-key finger

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