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Re: [Query] which one to use .. abbreviated or sort name?


> If abbreviated and sort name are different which one to use ?  abbreviated or sort name ? 
> example for nb_NO locale sort name are used in glibc 
> abbreviated As per CLDR 
> <day type="mon">man.</day> 
> <day type="tue">tir.</day> 
> <day type="wed">ons.</day> 
> <day type="thu">tor.</day> 
> <day type="fri">fre.</day> 
> <day type="sat">lør.</day> 
> short name As per CLDR 
> <dayWidth type="short"> 
> <day type="sun">sø.</day> 
> <day type="mon">ma.</day> 
> <day type="tue">ti.</day> 
> <day type="wed">on.</day> 
> <day type="thu">to.</day> 
> <day type="fri">fr.</day> 
> <day type="sat">lø.</day> 

Difficult to say. We have only “day” and “abday” and CLDR has
“wide”, “abbreviated”, “narrow”, and “short”. It is not clear how
to map these 4 values CLDR has on our two.

Maybe you remember that you recently changed “abday” for the zh_SG
locale. I checked that your change made it the same as “narrow” in CLDR.
In that case, this seemed OK to me. Therefore, I committed it:

    commit 1b2be2732fc9bf09d03ac830f03f3c295f3b1687
    Author: Akhilesh Kumar <>
    Date:   Fri Jul 28 09:40:45 2017 +0530

        Fix abday in zh_SG

        Make it the same as in zh_CN and zh_TW which agrees with "narrow" in CLDR.

                [BZ #21853]
                * locales/zh_SG (LC_TIME): Fix abday

The one character abbreviations seem to be best in that case.

But I think that for German or Norwegian, the one letter abbreviations
which CLDR has in “narrow” are not appropriate for us, I think we should
use “short” there (In German “abbreviated” and “short” are identical in
CLDR, in Norwegian bokmål they differ).

Currently my guess is that in most cases “short” is best, but there are
some exceptions like in the case of the Chinese locales where “narrow”
seems better.

Mike FABIAN <>

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